Saturday, April 12, 2014


The longer this administration remains in power, the more frequent and blatant their wrongheaded incompetence arises.

In today’s case, the issue's one often critiqued here. Non-existent global warming and the Keystone XL pipeline.

According to Fox, the “pipeline has emerged as an election-year dilemma for Democrats."

Wealthy party donors are funding candidates who oppose the project — a high-profile symbol of the political debate over climate change. But some of the party's most vulnerable incumbents are pipeline boosters, including six who signed a letter Thursday favoring rapid construction.

Further compounding the situation, even unions comprising the core of Dem electoral strength are revolting, as follows:

“One of the nation's leading building trades unions is stepping up pressure on House Democrats who oppose the Keystone XL pipeline, calling on union members in 27 congressional districts to punish their representative in the midterm election.

A letter distributed by the Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA) to the 27 districts calls for union members to make sure their representative "feels the power and the fury of LIUNA this November," The Hill reported.

"Your member of Congress is trying to destroy job opportunities for our LIUNA brothers and sisters," read the letter signed by Terry O'Sullivan, the general president of LIUNA, and obtained by The Hill on Friday. 

"For every action, there is a reaction, and our reaction to this frontal assault on our way of life needs to be loud and clear. If you do not stand with us, we sure as hell will not stand with you," O'Sullivan wrote, citing the jobs Keystone would create.

Making things worse for climate zealots, Real Science via Drudge posted this headline: “Northeast US Having Their Coldest Year On Record So Far.”

At the same time, via Fox, “Several former Obama administration officials, including ex-Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and former national security adviser James Jones, have called on Obama to approve the pipeline. Jones told Congress last month that approval would send Russian President Vladimir Putin a message that "international bullies" can't use energy security as a weapon.”

So, summing it up. By selling their integrity to the highest bidders, in this case climate change fanatic's, the administration's weakened the economy, curtailed job opportunity, and significantly increased costs of living while providing an edge to foreign enemies. Therefore, its highly unlikely any outside power could do more damage to the nation than that.

And lastly, another item about Bubba’s wife.   

Barbara Boland of, writes that “Hillary Clinton was the planned keynote speaker at the 17th Annual Western Healthcare Leadership Academy in San Diego on April 11 - but she's cancelled her visit in the midst of planned protests from San Diego locals and military families.”
However, the good news for the Boss’s wife is that while disgruntled Scrap Recycler's throw shoes at her speeches, hostile healthcare leaders probably throw contents of bedpans. So, by cancelling her engagement and not delivering her usual BS, none will get tossed back at her.
That's it for today folks.

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