Saturday, April 19, 2014


A news item this morning is absolutely astounding. The Keystone XL pipeline has been delayed once again.
Fox News on-line reports that “The Obama administration Friday extended the review period for the pipeline, effectively pushing back the final decision until after this fall’s midterm elections. The State Department said they need more time to review public comments and assess any impact a pending lawsuit might have on the project.”
Columnist Charles Krauthammer said that, "This is the most open and shut case, for any energy project, for any project anywhere that I have ever seen."
Opining that the argument against the pipeline fails on its own terms, he said it is "favorable economically, in terms of national security, our independence on Venezuelans, on the Middle East, clearly in terms of jobs, in terms of energy independence."
Also according to Fox, “Senator  Mary Landrieu, D-La., who is in a tough re-election fight this year, said the decision amounts to an "indefinite delay" of the project. "By making it clear that they will not move the process forward until there is a resolution in a lawsuit in Nebraska, the administration is sending a signal that the small minority who oppose the pipeline can tie up the process in court forever. There are 42,000 jobs, $20 billion in economic activity and North America's energy security at stake." 
Further reading shows, however, why the incumbent continually blocks or delays the project, despite how its opening provides relief on so many fronts. A major underlying reason for the delay is consistent pandering to environmentalists. One of them “California billionaire Tom Steyer, has been vowing to back vulnerable Democrats with big money if they oppose the pipeline. He called the latest announcement "good news on Good Friday for those who oppose Keystone as not being in our nation's best interest."
So, as usual with this administration, follow the money and find the truth.
Next is the latest on Bill Clinton’s wife.
In an article titled: "Released! Clinton files on media enemies," writes that “Most notable in the sections of the report released publicly is the concern the White House had for the impact of the new media, hearkening back to Hillary Clinton’s concern about the Internet that there were “no gatekeepers.”
“The Internet has become one of the major and most dynamic modes of communication,” the report warns. “The Internet can link people, groups and organizations together instantly. Moreover, it allows an extraordinary amount of unregulated data and information to be located in one area and available to all. The right wing has seized upon the Internet as a means of communicating its ideas to people. Moreover, evidence exists that Republican staffers surf the Internet, interacting with extremists in order to exchange ideas and information.”
Journalist Joseph Farah then points out that “No one had yet heard of Matt Drudge. No one knew about the ‘blue dress.’ This was before WND, or WorldNetDaily as it was originally known 17 years ago. To keep things in perspective, I think Monica Lewinsky was a teenage undergraduate student at the time.”
So, going back 17 years or more ago, Bill’s wife feared political foes gathering electronically and sharing information potentially harmful. And that’s a case in which she was certainly correct. But the real irony remains that today, almost two decades later, that same information highway’s very likely to sink her campaign this time around.
That’s it for today folks.

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