Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Two items today, both illustrating the flaws and hypocrisy's of leftist philosophy.
First and foremost, the most concisely accurate description of the huge harm inflicted by the incumbent’s health care tax.
Fox News on-line notes that according to “Dr. Joel Zinberg, associate clinical professor of surgery at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, writing for City Journal: “But even for those enrollees paying premiums, having health insurance is not the same thing as getting good health care, or any health care. In fact, it doesn’t matter how many Americans obtain insurance under the ACA. Most will have difficulty finding a physician.”
Next, Breitbart on-line reports that, “As predictable as the media silence to follow comes the news that New York City's new left-wing mayor, who ran on a platform based in large part on raising taxes, paid an effective 8.3% tax rate in 2013 based on a total income of over $200,000.
Mayor de Blasio and his wife made $167,047 in income, $52,000 in rental income on a second home in Park Slope, and reported charitable donations that totaled just 3% of their income, or $5,597.”
According to “TurboTax” on-line, tax for that amount of  income should be $44,603.25 plus 33% of the amount over $183,250. Which equates to a rate of 19.85% on the base amount plus another $13,660.02.
However, just like about every other leftist, the mayor’s preaching applies to everyone else, but never himself or those close to him.
That's it for today folks.

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