Thursday, February 6, 2014


Some interesting trends are continuing in development, illustrating that folks are quite fed up with liberal bias in the media.
While the incumbent tried to use Fox TV as an outlet for his evasion and double-talk, Joel B. Pollak of Breitbart on-line reports that: “The New York Times announced Thursday that profits had fallen nearly 50% in the fourth quarter of 2013 compared to the same period a year before.
Earnings per share dropped by roughly two-thirds, from $0.76 to $0.24. Total revenues were down 5.2% and advertising revenues were down 6.3%, with print advertising revenues falling by 7.0% and digital by 4.3% over 2013. The company added digital subscribers, up 19% in the fourth quarter of 2013 compared to same period in 2012, but its circulation revenues were down, too.”
So, it seems that with CNN and MSNBC also losing viewership in droves, many more people now realize the cause of their financial, health and physical safety problems. Which is why they’re seeking hard information, being fed up with media spin.
Then another example of governmental ineptitude cropped up today, as reported by Tom Krisher, AP Auto Writer
“General Motors' fourth-quarter profit rose 2 percent from a year ago, but the company fell short of Wall Street expectations as it spent heavily to restructure outside the U.S."
Reading further, New Chief Financial Officer Chuck Stevens said Wall Street analysts "didn't comprehend that restructuring. Much of the restructuring costs were for employee severance expenses.”
Which means that after losing $10.5 billion of taxpayer’s money spent to bail the company out, under the guise of helping the economy and creating jobs, GM’s moving its manufacturing somewhere else while firing employees here at home.
Consequently, with the administration’s financial capability this inept, taxpayer's should feel fortunate that the national debt’s only $17 trillion.  
And then, Fox News on-line reports that: “The CBO report acknowledged that nearly 2.5 million workers could opt out of full-time jobs over the next decade, choosing instead to work part-time and receive health care from exchanges.”
However, here’s the part that’s incredible. “In a statement Tuesday, Jay Carney said: “as part of this new day in healthcare, Americans would no longer be trapped in a job just to provide coverage for their families, and would have the opportunity to pursue their dreams.”
The statement itself is so preposterous, it’s hard to believe a rational human being would utter it. Because not only is health care only one cost of life, what “dreams” are people on that end of the income spectrum going to pursue?
Or, is there some unknown government plan down the road to cover the costs of rent, food, clothing, transportation, utilities, entertainment, as well as other costs of living? Because, when unemployment insurance eventually runs out, day-to-day expenses keep right on going.
That’s it for today folks.

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