For Republicans, the health care tax is a gift that just keeps on giving.
Yesterday, according to Fox New’s Chris Stirewalt, Vice President Joe Biden related this message about ObamaCare to anxious Democrats gathered for the party’s winter meeting in Washington: “My central message to you is look: I think we should not apologize for a single thing.” Nothing? Not even a crashed Web site? Millions of cancelled policies? The “lie of the year” award? Skyrocketing premiums? Nope. On the contrary, Biden said Democrats should instead be heralding their accomplishments, chief among which is the health law that polls show dragging the party down in midterm elections and opening wide the door for Republicans to take over the Senate. “We are too shy,” Biden improbably said. “We are not talking about it enough, in my opinion.”
And that seems to be the major problem with the entire administration. Because while millions can’t find jobs as the economy shrinks, foreign policy has all but disappeared, dependency on foreign nations for oil remains for no reason other than politics and the nation’s worldwide standing continues to decline, the vice president sends a rah-rah message although his party's to blame for just about every negative thing that’s happened in the past seven years.
So, let him keep up his delusional ranting's because that’s the best way to insure his party's demise. Whereas the only way to repair the damage they’ve caused is to change direction, it will never happen because they don’t know how. Thus, their only forte is empty talk.
As far as the health care tax itself goes, Charles Krauthammer once again put it concisely on “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren,” saying:
“Here’s what’s happening. [ObamaCare is] hitting Democrats. It’s hitting Independents who are losing their insurance, losing their doctor. So, I think it’s this wide, broad effect. It’s like you are throwing darts at a board. It’s not that people are upset at a policy. If it hits you and your family, it’s going to hurt you. That’s why the bleeding is happening among Independents and also among Democrats.”
And that’s VP Biden’s real problem. Because he can rant and rave all he wants and talk till he faints. But too many people are being harmed in the real world because the tax is too poorly constructed and far too expensive to satisfy those needing the “affordable” health care that was promised. And what's worse, they're now finding out that what they were sold was a total fabrication.
Then there was a far more subtle item, indicating what might be a very clear signal about Dem problems to come.
According to the Washington Examiner also via Chris Stirewalt;
“With his eyes on 2016, [Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.] next week …will begin putting meat on the bones of his campaign when he addresses the Jack Kemp Foundation about economic policy [Monday]. There he is expected to talk about his jobs agenda and plan to give states a much broader spending role in fighting poverty…Google’s Washington HQ is hosting the event, giving the 42-year-old Rubio a little extra cache with the tech crowd.”
In this case, it’s not so much Rubio’s speech that's interesting because it’s just more of the same old rhetoric. But what caught my eye is who gave him the platform. Because Google’s a high-flying tech company full of bright, extremely successful, influential people that also happen to be on the young side. And if these are the one’s having enough interest to bring Rubio in, that bodes very well for Republican prospects among those really helping to shape the nation’s future and policies.
That’s it for today folks.
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