Tuesday, February 11, 2014


While the incumbent's reputed to be a consummate politician, it seems that that quality doesn't help much when it comes to executive decision-making capability as POTUS. Consequently, it seems Republicans are gaining significantly in spite of their own shortcomings. 
Over the past few months in particular, as the incumbent’s health care tax implodes, he’s taken to executive action to defer major disasters  where possible, regardless of legality. In many cases though, the law’s so invasive and insidious, there are simply too many holes to plug. One of which surfaced today. 
Since firms employing 50 to 99 people are now required to cover healthcare costs, Fox New's Chris Stirewalt asks: “How will the feds know what employers were thinking when hiring and firing?" 
Stirewalt answers: “Simple. Firms will be required to certify to the IRS – under penalty of perjury – that ObamaCare was not a motivating factor in their staffing decisions. To avoid ObamaCare costs you must swear that you are not trying to avoid ObamaCare costs. You can duck the law, but only if you promise not to say so.”
So, here we have the government intruding into businesses’ managerial decision-making under penalty of law, literally forcing them to comply with intrusive regulations regardless of any true needs they may have regarding their own money management.  
And then there’s this one from MYFOXNY, regarding a similar abuse of power, as follows: “ A sign posted at a Falls Church, Va. location says ‘Holders of Black Card memberships will be required to pay a tax on these memberships Starting January 1, 2014 as required by the implementation of provisions of [ObamaCare]…This is not a change in your membership fee but rather a tax required by the government. The reason these accounts are forced to charge the new tax is because they include the option for members to tan at the clubs.  Obamacare has a tax on tanning salons.  It doesn't matter if the member uses or does not use the tanning facilities.”
Thus in this case, much like other mandatory taxes universally assessed, health club members must now pay for government targeted services whether they use them or not.
However, the reason the two preceding examples form the basis for today’s premise of Republican advantages gained is that, according to thedailycaller.com/2014
“Despite a tough month back home in New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie broke fundraising records in January as chairman of the Republican Governors Association, an aide told The Daily Caller.
“This January, with the help of Chairman Christie and all of our Republican Governors, the RGA raised $6 million,” RGA communications director Gail Gitcho said in a statement.
“That is more than twice as much that has ever been raised during the same month in RGA history, and twice as much that was raised in the last comparable cycle (2010) in the same month,” Gitcho said.
Therefore, although Christie’s mired in potential scandal and losing political ground himself, the Republican Governor’s Association he heads is still breaking fund-raising efforts. Which means that, in the eyes of contributors, a questionable Republican’s still more favorable than an incompetent, fabricating Democrat.
And although I’m surely aware that this is only a small example, my bet is it’s a clear indication of fed-up voters of all stripes all over the nation who are going to revolt at the polls in November..
That’s it for today folks.

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