Sunday, February 2, 2014


Super Bowl Sunday, and the days leading up to it, always make me wonder who the people are that come out of the woodwork for the event, while carloads of “experts” clog the airwaves with supposedly all kinds of knowledge about football and how the game will turn out.
However, after too many years than I’d really like to count, as a player, fan and observer of the sport, there’s one thing I know for certain. All that matters are the sixty minutes played on the field, and nothing else will have any effect on the outcome whatsoever. And as far as halftime goes, fortunately for the players they’ll be in the locker room and not have to watch whoever the entertainers are making fools of themselves, having absolutely nothing to do with the sport at all. 
As for the rest of the news, there’s not much of interest, except for an article on Fox News on-line illustrating how environmentalists deal with events deemed harmful to them and their efforts.
According to Fox: “Environmentalists and other opponents of the Keystone XL Pipeline are ramping up their opposition to the project following the release Friday of a  largely favorable State Department report -- vowing to hold vigils, jump into the November elections and even perform acts of civil disobedience.  
The report raising no major environmental concerns bolster the hopes of the oil industry, some union groups, congressional Republicans and others that President Obama will soon approve the $7 billion project, after a roughly five year wait.”
So, after five years of blocking the project for no valid reason, and now facing a serious setback, these irrationally misguided zealots find their cause has been deemed invalid. However, instead of accepting the situation and reevaluating their stance, perhaps seeking some kind of concession or limited cooperation, their reaction is to threaten flat-out disobedience. 
But, the most remarkable aspect of their reaction is that they feel their actions are apparently acceptable behavior, whereas if that position were taken by Conservatives, they’d be clamoring for maximum judicial penalties while the mainstream media would be in full support of their efforts. Which just goes to prove that standards can’t get any more doubled than that.
That's it for today folks.

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