Monday, February 10, 2014


While there’s very little doubt that the incumbent’s health care tax is surely one of the worst legislative ideas ever created, one still has to wonder why the administration seemingly goes out of its way to make it even worse. Which raises the question question as to whether they’re simply incompetent in total, or purposefully aiming to perpetuate as much harm as they possibly can on the American people. 
Three separate items from Chris Stirewalt’s column on Fox News on-line today clearly illustrates the point, as follows:
“Accenture, the contractor hired to fix ongoing problems with the federal health exchange website, has been heavily criticized by some of its largest clients, including federal agencies, according to a published report. The Washington Post reports that the U.S. Postal Service Inspector General's Office recommended this past June that the agency consider terminating more than $200 million in contracts with Accenture. The recommendation cited an ‘absence of business ethics’ by the firm, including a 2011 settlement with the Justice Department to resolve allegations of ‘kickbacks’ and ‘bid-rigging’ in federal contracts. Accenture, which paid $63 million to resolve the claims, denied the allegations.” 
So, in this case an incompetent provider was replaced with one having significant problems as well. Also leading to the obvious question that if the company’s innocent of what’s been charged, why did they pay the claims involved?
Then, moving on, “Twenty-eight significant Obamacare regulations are still waiting for approval, according to a new study from the free-market American Action Forum (AAF), including five-month old rules surrounding the individual mandate. …The IRS itself may soon be struggling to get ready for its own…[ObamaCare] responsibilities in time. It’s already going to take the IRS 7.5 million hours to implement the individual mandate.”
In this case, we have a new tax that was sold by the incumbent as not only allowing satisfied customers to keep health care plans they like, but also reducing the costs of coverage as well. And now, its been established that not only was the promise a flat out lie, but implementation costs are going to go sky high as well.
But, if that isn’t enough, the Wall Street Journal “details why millions of lower-income Americans, too poor for ObamaCare subsidies and caught between mismatched state and Federal rules in states without expanded Medicaid programs are left without coverage.”
According to the paper, “Hospitals backed the health-care law because it promised to create new, paying customers. Instead, the failure to expand Medicaid coverage by some states not only adds fewer insured patients, it also eliminates the payments hospitals had long received to cover the cost of uninsured people they treat free.”
So, here we have the poorest of planning not only backfiring but creating a situation where everyone involved, insurance providers, hospitals or patients, all lose out. 
Consequently, in summing up today’s examples of total governmental incompetence, its inconceivable that the nation’s worst enemies could devise any more dire ways to harm huge segments of the population than is being done right now directly from the White House.
That’s it for today folks.

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