Friday, August 9, 2013

BloggeRhythms 8/9/2013

According to, website of the Martha's Vineyard Times, the incumbent and family will vacation there again, from August 10th to 18th. The article didn’t, however, report what the incumbent was vacationing from, so I’m sorry to say, I still don’t know what he actually does for a living.
What I found interesting though, and why I’m mentioning this subject, is that the home being used is owned by David M. Schulte, founder and managing partner of Chilmark Partners, a Chicago-based corporate finance and restructuring advisory company. He was also the former editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal. Before founding Chilmark Partners, Mr. Schulte created and ran Salomon Brothers Corporate Reorganization Group.
Schulte’s four-bedroom house is supposedly valued at $7.6 million, has an attached two-bedroom guesthouse, an adjoining lot and is the only house on Snail Road.
Now, naturally, the tie to Chicago and big business rang a bell but then I read on and found that “the Boston Globe reports that Harry Belafonte will perform at an invitation only event at Dreamland theater in Oak Bluffs, on August 12, an event that's being organized by Charles Ogletree, Mr. Obama's former professor at Harvard Law School.”
I thought the situation very interesting because this eight day vacation capsulizes the incumbent's beliefs, clearly demonstrating how he’s spent most of his life.
As far as he himself is concerned, he’s living at the height of luxury paid for by the public, friends, and associates while the vast part of the nation he supposedly leads is almost $17 trillion in debt, primarily because of him. And then for entertainment, and public image, it just so happens that one of the nation’s loudest critics against capitalism, Harry Belafonte, one of Castro's friends, is appearing at the same time and place. Gee, what a coincidence. I wonder who’ll have a front row seat?
So, the beat goes on. Day after day, the nation goes backward in almost every aspect of life there is. And every attempt to turn the economic tide is met with definitive obstruction aimed at bringing down the financially successful via redistribution to those who can’t. or more likely, won't, make any attempt to help themselves.
Yet, the one at the top doesn’t suffer a whit from the devastation he’s caused, whereas his every need and desire is paid for by others as he takes personal advantage of his position, redistributing their wealth to himself.
That’s it for today folks.

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