Watched a recording of Greta Van Susteren’s hour-long talk with Rush last night on the Fox News channel That way, I zipped through all the commercial breaks, watching only the conversation itself.
I mention this because, although a long-time Limbaugh listener and admirer of his style and vast knowledge of politics, among a whole host of other subjects, I tuned him out when commercial messages became so prevalent, it seemed there was more huckstering and sponsor breaks than there was of Rush himself.
To my recollection, the last time I listened to him on the radio was about five years ago, and since then I’ve read a few transcripts of his dialogues piquing my interest. But other than that, I haven’t paid much attention to him at all. Consequently, I found it notable that hearing last night’s subject matter, not very much of it has changed from the last time I tuned in to his daily show.
To a great extent, I can certainly identify with many of the reasons there’s so much repetition in his program. He’s on the air three hours a day, five days a week, and the focus of his efforts remains the same: Doing whatever he can to stem the tide of government growth and power, and helping restore freedom to the people where it belongs. Consequently, there’s only so much that can be said or explained in different ways without frequently repeating yourself.
The one thing that really stood out, however, and which I found to be perfectly true, was his analysis of the incumbent’s (and many other high-profile Dems') approach toward Rush himself.
Rush thought it was remarkable that the most powerful man on the planet, the incumbent, specifically targets him whenever he can. Especially since Rush doesn’t have any “real” power” at all but sits all by himself behind a microphone, talking on the radio.
And that to Rush is the key. Because what he believes the incumbent, (and all Dem’s in politics)) fear the most is an educated public that understands what freedom truly is and that government's merely there to service their needs and was never meant to have any “power” at all.
So, to that extent, Rush and I have something very much in common. Because I sit here typing every day trying to get the same thing done in my own small way. And even though he’s quite repetitive as mentioned, he’s still the best at what he does by light years compared to others.
Thus, if he could only find some way to eliminate the incredibly irritating commercial breaks, I’d tune back in this afternoon and every weekday thereafter in the future.
That's it for today folks.
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