Today’s subjects regard an ongoing tragedy: Obamacare.
According to, ”The Obama administration has quietly delayed another major provision of the federal health care overhaul, pushing off until 2015 a mandatory cap on out-of-pocket costs for individuals.”
Apparently, there are problems in coordinating the data needed to implement the cap on costs among insurers, so additional time’s needed for programming their systems.
As I read the story, the thought ran through my mind that if anyone, anywhere needed to create or build any kind of smooth-running system for any purpose imaginable, would they ever even dream of asking a governmental agency to do it? We all know the answer’s, “Absolutely not.” And especially the current administration, which continually botches up everything it touches.
In that regard, the incumbent defended the law, and its implementation, during a press conference last Friday.
Fox said he “blasted Republicans for their sustained campaign against the law,” saying “There's not even a pretense now that they're going to replace it with something better."
He went on to add: “It's just become an ideological fixation.There is no doubt that in implementing the Affordable Care Act, a program of this significance, there are going to be some glitches. ... That's true, by the way, of a car company rolling out a new car. It's true of Apple rolling out the new iPad."
I still find it amazing that this guy still goes on ranting and raving in defense of a poorly conceived, badly drafted, unimplementable tax scheme, and then blames his opposition for continuing to try to undo the horrendous damage it’s now causing.
But, what’s even more ridiculous is that in defending his devastation of the nation’s medical system he used classic examples of free enterprise, and obviously doesn’t even know it.
Because whoever a marketeer is, and no matter the service or product, in a free market system it’s the buyers that determine success or failure. So, when automobiles are introduced that the public dislikes or ignores, they simply don’t buy them and either find another supplier or not purchase at all. For an example, look up the Edsel fiasco which severely damaged Ford.
Moving on to Apple’s case, now that Steve Jobs is gone and the mobile phone markets become saturated, there’s much concern that the company may not continue its stellar track record. Especially since no one’s required by law to purchase phones, whether they need them or not.
So, we have a huge discrepancy here between free enterprise and government mandate. The major difference being that the businesses mentioned are run by brilliant marketeers and industry leaders, staying ahead by creatively and competitively meeting market needs.
On the other hand we have government usurping provision of one of the nation’s most important services and functions, and slowly but surely proving as each day goes by that they have no idea whatsoever of what they're doing. And the biggest proof of their incapability is, that even though it’s illegal, folks are still avoiding using the government's health tax requirement because it's so badly devised and, apparently, un-administrable as well.
That’s it for today folks.
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