Friday, August 16, 2013

BloggeRhythms 8/16/2013

Been around for quite a while now, and one of the things that works best for me is not getting involved in others people’s issues or problems. And certainly not in their disputes. 
In fact, so long as things don’t involve me specifically, I really couldn’t care less about what other folks do. There are simply too many people around, too many opinions and for the most part, I’m not qualified to form a valid opinion anyway.
On the other hand though, there are those who take it upon themselves to get embroiled in others issues, whether their presence is desired or not. Generally presenting themselves as experts, though they may not be qualified as such, they frequently do far more damage than good. 
However knowledge deficiencies or absence of expertise doesn’t stop them from meddling because they perceive themselves as having a higher goal, anointing themselves as holier than those they choose to defeat, diminish or renounce. 
And whereas one of the most visible self-proclaimed groups of knights in armor is the ACLU, today’s item demonstrates that this organization is not only no better than most of those they pursue, but basically quite hypocritical too.
According to “The American Civil Liberties Union, which touts itself as a fierce defender of fair labor standards, is in a contractual dispute with an unforeseen group: its own workers.”
Last month, members of the legal staff, administrative assistants, and other support staff, “rallied outside the ACLU’s national headquarters in New York City, protesting the nonprofit’s new contract for unionized staff and accusing the organization of violating its own employees’ rights.”
In the ongoing dispute, contentious new issues include, smaller wage increases and the demand that workers pay for their own health care benefits. 
Fox further reports that, “in the latest demonstration by its unionized workers outside Manhattan headquarters, employees held signs that read "Practice What You Preach!" and "ACLU: Be Fair!"
In conclusion, Fox provided the following background: “Since its inception in 1920, the ACLU’s stated mission has been to “defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.”
So, here we have another proof of one of my strongest ongoing beliefs; It really doesn't matter much what’s presented by others. All that actually counts is what they ultimately do. 
And that’s why when an organization such as this one, that persists in demanding others measure to standards as they perceive them, proves to be no different than those they pursue, I’m very pleased that the information was reported. Because if there’s one thing I truly despise, its hypocrisy from meddling, self-appointed, phonies such as the ACLU.
That’s it for today folks.

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