Congratulations to El Rushbo whom, according to Noah Rothman on Mediaite via Drudge, the incumbent elevated to the same level as Republican congress members and their party’s base, as follows:
“In an exclusive interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Friday, President Barack Obama said that the upcoming fight over the continuation of a resolution which will fund the government does not have to be a fight at all. He said that enough Republicans in Congress agree that seeking to defund the Affordable Care Act is a bad idea, but they are afraid of angering their base or of conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh.”
While I found it odd that a sitting president would attribute that much power to a radio talk show host, though obviously concerned about the host’s influence, I found his further comments even stranger.
He went on to say: “Congress doesn’t have a whole lot of core responsibilities. One core responsibility is passing a budget, which they have not done yet. The other core responsibility that they’ve got is to pay the bills that they’ve already accrued.”
So, from his phrasing, the incumbent spoke as if he were a third party uninvolved in any of the matters, and that the United States Congress was a group having almost nothing to do. However, the truth is the complete and unequivocal reverse.
Congress passed many budgets during the incumbents tenure to date, it’s the administration that hasn’t. And those that actually were presented were so unbalanced, generally adding significantly to the already out of control national debt, Republicans refused to support them.
Furthermore, and far more outlandish, is placing the blame for his own unbridled spending on the only group dedicatedly trying to stop him.
So, here we have nothing more than the incumbent’s continuing strategy of complete denial, coupled with either dishonesty or delusion, addressing his own considerable misjudgments as if they were done by somebody else.
And, to that extent, another example arose yesterday when, according to via Drudge: Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, said "Unfortunately, you can't fix -- we won't fix the immigration system, unfortunately, through the health care bill, but I think having the immigration bill that passed the Senate, pass the House, would be a huge step."
Now, I have no doubt that what the secretary said is what she truly believes, even though whether she knows it or not, the Senate-passed immigration bill would put some 11 million illegal aliens on a path to eventual citizenship, first by giving them provisional legal status.”
So, doing it her way would right off the bat add up to 11 million more folks to those the nation can’t afford to cover, healthcare-wise, now. Which fits right in with the incumbent’s free-ride mindset, and would no doubt be blamed in his rationale on Republicans in Congress, or Rush, somehow or other.
Moving along to the end of the article, there were reader comments, one of which addressed the Democrat constituency as follows: “They vote Democrat because they believe people who can't accurately tell us if it will rain on Friday, can predict the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Chevy Volt.”
Which leads me right into my next subject, an article by Wesley Pruden of the Washington Times that states: “President Obama tried the other day to elbow Al [Gore] aside to lead with his assertion that hurricanes are getting worse and that only he has the power to put them in their place. Hurricanes are actually getting not worse, but fewer. Only three major hurricanes have made landfall so far in Mr. Obama’s presidency. Grover Cleveland, who was president between 1885 and 1889, entertained 26 major hurricanes during his presidency, and that was before global warning was invented.
We were scheduled to see an enormous melting of polar ice by now, but even the ice won’t co-operate. The U.S. Navy forecasts twice as much mid-September ice this year as it measured in 2012.”
The entire article’s well worth reading, so I’ve included a link.
That's it for today folks.
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