For the second time in the last five years, the incumbent said something I unequivocally agree with.
During a rare press conference on Friday, while defending his health care tax, he called Republican efforts to repeal it an “ideological fixation.” And he’s absolutely right. Republicans indeed have such a fixation, and its called free enterprise, the foundation upon which the nation was built.
Thus, the real issue to me is, why is he so focused on doing everything he can to undo the incredible success accomplished in the past two hundred years, reducing the country to third-world status?
This is also the same guy who declared that he’d defeated Al Qaeda. But then, last week, he closed 19 of our embassies located in the Middle East and Africa, afraid they’d be attacked in an organized effort by an enemy that no longer exists. So, he’s either presenting complete fabrications or is totally delusional.
On a personal note, I visited two doctors this week for routine check-ups. Fortunately, I live near one of the most highly regarded hospital facilities on Long Island, NY, surrounded by private practitioners desiring to maintain offices near the hospital itself.
When I originally began with both doctors, seven years ago, both had large, successful practices, built over time into substantial, well-managed, businesses. However, in the past two years, due to fears of decimation and uncertainty regarding their financial futures, both have sold their practices to the hospital, and are now paid employees.
One of them told me he’d had to hire several office assistants to deal with the onslaught of paperwork alone, adding no value or benefit to his practice or patients, but simply for compliance with increasing regulation. He himself was becoming so overwhelmed with details, his availability to patients kept shrinking.
So, much like all things in the world, it doesn't matter whatsoever as to what people promise, its only actual results that count. And that’s why its impossible for someone like the incumbent to even discuss the requirements of health care, something he knows nothing at all about, much less attempt implementing a massive program.
But, so long as he can visit Martha's Vineyard in taxpayer paid luxury, why should he care about doctors all over the nation forced to sell off what they’ve built over lifetimes to take jobs as hospital employees?
That’s it for today folks.
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