Way back when the incumbent’s name first came up as a presidential candidate, I asked an extremely simple question: How in the world could any voter be dumb enough to assume he was qualified for the job? He not only hadn’t a shred of capability, experience, knowledge or credentials, if he was the fasting-studying genius on the planet, it would still take him half a lifetime to learn what was needed to perform the myriad tasks involved.
And now that his second term’s begun and his administration’s falling apart at the seams due to incompetency, the horrendous mistakes of inexperienced judgment are compounding almost too rapidly to keep track of, both here and overseas.
Having incorrectly decided to abandon the Middle-East, the regions exploding in several places, the latest being Egypt. However, news items from that nation indicate the incumbent’s done something never accomplished by our nation before. Because as reported by Edmund Sanders of The Los Angeles Times, “As rival camps of Egyptians protest for and against the toppling of President Mohamed Morsi, there is a rare point of agreement: America is to blame.”
The story goes on to say, “Anti-Americanism, which has long been an undercurrent here, is erupting again as Egyptians battle over the future of their country. Each side accuses the United States of backing the other and alleges conspiracies in which the Obama administration is secretly fostering dissent in an attempt to weaken Egypt.”
And here’s the remarkable conclusion: “It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't quagmire in which the U.S. appears to have alienated both sides, underscoring waning American influence and credibility as it attempts to navigate the turmoil.”
So, no matter who wins the Egyptian conflict, any chance we might have had to influence the situation or retain any benefits at all are now gone. And yet, even though we still send them $1.3 billion of taxpayer’s dollars a year, neither side wants us anywhere near their nation at all. It’s hard to believe that any entity, even our government, could do a worse job than that.
Aside from disintegrating our foreign policy, however, the incumbent hasn’t abandoned his pursuit of ruining our own nation’s health care system.
Wesley Pruden of The Washington Times reports that: “Pundits and professors are rifling through the thesaurus, looking for the right word to describe what the Wall Street Journal calls “a fiasco for the ages.” The Journal editorialists reminded everyone that they “fought the Affordable Care Act from start to passage, and we’d like to apologize to our readers. It turns out we weren’t nearly critical enough.”
Now, although the Journal was correct in their assessment of what’s likely the worst the piece of legislation ever forced on the nation, Mr. Pruden goes on to point out that by delaying implementation by larger businesses “the president’s acolytes in the media hail the delay as a genius stroke of politics, something to get the Democrats past the 2014 congressional elections before “the fiasco for the ages” is displayed in full.”
So, here we have the media aweing and applauding a despicable political ploy as a stroke of political genius, though they’re fully aware of how disastrously damaging the legislation is. Which has me wondering just exactly who these so-called journalists really represent. Because if they believe deceiving voters is more important than fair and balanced legislation, I have to believe they support some other nation, code of law or anti-American purpose.
Moving on to something else now, while its become clear as noted above, foreign nations no longer respect or fear us, and real leadership here is practically absent as well, members of the incumbent’s own party are also unhappy about extremely poor executive judgments.
According to the Associated Press via Fox News.com, “President Obama's hardest sell in his renewed push to close the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, may be members of his own party -- not Republicans.”
The story goes on to state; “Despite Connecticut Sen. Kelly Ayotte and other congressional Republicans saying Americans want the prisoner to remain at the facility and not be relocated to the United States, the president also will have a difficult time getting support from moderate Senate Democrats facing tough re-election bids next year in the strongly Republican South.”
And, if that isn’t enough; the Los Angeles Times reports: “Another weapon lost in the Obama administration's failed Fast and Furious gun-tracking operation has purportedly been traced to two more killings, including the fatal shooting of a police chief in Mexico.”
So, wherever you look, the administration’s coming unglued, if it was ever solid to begin with. Which brings me back to my original point. Because if you carefully consider the items mentioned today, foreign relations in the Middle East, health care taxes, prisoners held in Guantanamo Bay and gun-running stings in Mexico, where, how or when could the incumbent possibly gain the knowledge, experience or skills required to address any of them properly?
And as logic and his performance tell us, the answer is he can’t even scratch the surface of these problems whereas he’s totally unqualified for the position he holds.
That’s it for today folks.
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