Today's the dullest news day I can recall for a very long time. Certainly in the years I’ve been writing these entries.
One of my hot button issues did get some mention this morning though, on Fox News, whereas it seems that horrendous fighting broke out in Egypt yesterday. As I watched some clips of folks in a square somewhere throwing rocks at each other, the crawler said experts expect unrest in the nation to get far worse.
I then turned to my wife and said, gas is going to go to nine or ten dollars a gallon simply because the talker-in-chief has lost control of an ”ally” that we bribe with $1.6 billion or so each year. But, apparently, even all those bucks aren’t enough to gain the respect of Egyptian leaders on any side who couldn’t care less about a motor-mouth who’s never backed up a word he’s uttered with deeds and never will. In fact, the only one’s he’s harmed are those living here in the U.S. with an agenda aimed at undoing two hundred years of economic, individual and national success.
And that leads into an item I found on Fox, headlined “Young Republican leaders see need for substantive changes,” from the Associated Press.
The article focused on the makeup of the Republican party changing age-wise, with an influx of much younger members than in the past. And that, the writer says, while not dramatically changing core goals and objectives, should soften some of the very hard lines taken on many social issues in the past, making the party more attractive to a wider range of voters.
It’s further pointed out that even the candidates themselves will likely be younger this time around, and “of several potential GOP candidates, only Texas Gov. Rick Perry, 63, is older than 50.”
The Democrats' leading hopefuls, however, are Vice President Joe Biden, 70, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, 65.
And, as I read that last line, I had to stop and think about the next campaign itself and wonder how it could be that a Democrat could be elected to anything at all after the last five years and what’s been done to the nation as a whole. Because it would seem to me that anyone who wasn’t a Democrat and could walk and chew gum at the same time should win in a record-setting landslide.
But, then, let’s consider those who haven’t been harmed by socialistic trends, such as the growing handout and welfare rolls, or the few unions left with funds in their coffers, and government employees doing whatever it is that those folks do. Among groups like these, there will likely still be Democrat support because their livelihood depends on continuation of the handouts.
Nonetheless, since for the rest of the nation’s electorate, the candidates themselves have to be considered carefully, what have the Dem's really got? One’s a broken down old boob who rarely knows where he is and can’t remember most of what he tries to talk about. There are cumquats with higher IQ’s than his.
The other’s accomplished zip, zero, nada in her life and would be unemployed if she wasn’t the bosses' wife. A little focus on her former life, from Arkansas, to Whitewater, to Fort Marcy park to the raid on Benghazi will quickly prove the total emptiness of her suit
Which means, if these two has been's and never was'es can't be easily beaten, Republican politico's ought to look for other businesses, whereas they'd surely be colossally worthless at the one they're in.
So, instead of these young Republicans going off on social tangents and worrying about watering down personal issues that have actually very little to do with getting the nation to run like it should, they’d be far better off in righting the economy, closing down or curbing intruding agencies, such as the EPA, IRS and NSA, and getting the government out of the health care business once and for all.
And if they can do that, the next election, and many to follow, will take care of themselves. Because folks would happily vote for them in overwhelming numbers.
That’s it for today folks.
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