Other than crowds having specific agenda's, receiving some kind of compensation, or due to force, such as school children, hospital patients, union members, and military personnel for example, I wonder if anyone, anywhere bothers to listen to the incumbent’s all too frequent speeches any more.
However, those who do have to endure the ordeals, that have any capability to comprehend, must scratch their heads as they listen and wonder if they’re either in some kind of fictional world or being purposefully mislead. I suspect that because, although I never listen to the endless droning myself, I read excerpts, recaps and pertinent quotes when important subjects are mentioned.
I bring this subject up today because of a story on Fox News.com headed “Obama urges Americans to live up to Declaration.” Since the subject implied “independence” to me, which is a concept the incumbent either despises or knows nothing about, I was curios as to why he, or his handler’s, chose it.
Apparently, in his weekly radio and online address, the incumbent urged “Americans on the Fourth of July to live up to the words of the Declaration of Independence by securing liberty and opportunity for their own children as well as for future generations.”
Then the article goes on, “Obama commemorates the Fourth of July by looking back at the day in 1776 that a small band of patriots declared those in the American colonies "a people created equal" -- free to think and worship and live as they please.”
He finished by stating that “their declaration was "heard around the world."
As I read the words, parallel thoughts ran through my mind as I compared “freedom” to universal health care taxes and socialized medical care, favoring unionization in the work place, employing the IRS to detain and destroy political opposition, using the EPA to curb and curtail perfectly safe domestic oil and coal utilization, collecting massive data on the whole population via the NSA, searching for utilizable information on any and all, and driving energy costs through the roof predicated on “global warming” that doesn’t even exist, just to mention a few examples of overbearing government intervention in every aspect of citizen's lives.
So, here we have a guy who may not have any true beliefs at all as far as I know, but readily uses his power to curtail and control the population in any and all ways he can. But, simultaneously spouts about the very “freedoms” his actions work so hard to deny. Consequently, the only thing the incumbent has in common with the Founding Fathers is that he happened to arrive in the United States. From there on, their actions and beliefs are 180 degrees apart.
The U.S. though isn’t he only place where truths are finally surfacing about him, because there’s a link on Drudge to some photo’s that speak for themselves; 'Massive wave of anti-Obama sentiment'
And lastly, there were also another couple of items regarding freedom. In this case, illustrating how “freely” the administration spends taxpayer’s money.
Michal Conger of the Washington Examiner, reports that “State Department officials spent $630,000 to get more Facebook "likes," prompting employees to complain to a government watchdog that the bureau was "buying fans" in social media, the agency's inspector general says. The department's Bureau of International Information Programs spent the money to increase its "likes" count between 2011 and March 2013.”
And then there’s this from the same source: “President Obama, already the most traveled chief executive in the modern era after internationalist former President George H.W. Bush, is expected to run up an Air Force One tab of at least $24 million this year alone, according to the National Taxpayers Union Foundation.”
The story goes on, “Already Obama, just back from a trip with his family and a huge entourage of staff to several African nations, has run up a $15.2 million bill just for Air Force One in the first six months of 2013. Security and hotel costs can dwarf the jet's cost. Some estimates of the president's Africa trip alone top $100 million.
NTUF's Douglas Kellogg told Secrets that Obama's Africa Air Force One bill to taxpayers was $6,654,345.”
So, I guess, as far as the incumbent’s concerned, freedom must be a matter of perspective. Because as citizens steadily lose theirs, his increases, especially in regard to their money. Which is why it seems that, after he takes his skim off the top for personal purposes, he wants to distribute the rest equally to everyone else, no matter who earned or deserves it.
That’s it for today folks.
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