I’ve written several times lately about how government investigations are generally slow and tedious things. Thus, I think it's imperative that even the after the headlines start fading, the public gets bored and the media seeks fresher stories, the most important thing for the investigators is to not give up.
In that regard, yesterday afternoon, Elise Viebeck, of The Hill’s Healthwatch column via Drudge wrote that: “President Obama is threatening to veto Republican bills that would delay the healthcare reform law’s employer and individual mandates.
The White House mounted a general defense of the Affordable Care Act in its statement, arguing the law will improve healthcare for millions of Americans.”
Ms. Viebeck then quoted a White House representative who stated: “Rather than attempting once again to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which the House has tried to do nearly 40 times, it's time for the Congress to stop fighting old political battles.”
So, it’s the White House’s position that even though this legislation is probably the worst ever devised in the nation’s history, the “political” issue is all that really matters. And since so much time’s gone by, Congress should simply give up and let the healthcare tax take effect, despite the likelihood that it will destroy medical care altogether.
However, those still fighting the healthcare battle are absolutely correct, because it isn’t how much time’s gone by that counts, what's critical is overturning the entire new health care tax. And, as seen in the last few days, key elements of the tax are now being delayed because they simply don't work.
Another proof of the value of diligently staying the course arose in Representative Darrell Issa’s House oversight committee this morning, regarding the continuing probe into abuses by the IRS.
According to Fox News on-line, accounts were given by, Carter Hull, a recently retired IRS tax law specialist. who was closely involved in screening conservative groups' applications for tax-exempt status. He claims that he, and others, were “taking his orders from above.”
Committee Republicans also say that “Hull revealed to them that he tried to move forward with approving or denying applications, but [Lois] Lerner ruled that the applications should go through the chief counsel's office and Lerner's senior adviser. Hull further indicated it was the first time in a nearly 50-year career that he had to send applications to Lerner's senior adviser.”
So, here we have a major chink in the administration's armor regarding its denials of involvement in unfair and biased treatment of political opponents by using the IRS as a weapon to defuse their campaigning efforts. Which goes to vividly prove the point of how important it is to not give up, since now its likely more whistle-blowers will surface.
Along the same lines of abusing power and employing deceit, subterfuge, and dishonesty for political gain whereas it doesn't have the skills or support to succeed any other way, it’s reported that a third federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that “President Obama violated the Constitution last year when he made recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board.”
Applying constitutional history and reading up on the framers, the judges said it’s apparent the founding fathers intended for the president only to be able to use his recess appointment powers when the Senate was gone for a long period of time, not the brief breaks Congress regularly takes for holidays or weekends.
Therefore, as every day goes by it becomes more apparent that the current administration is unequivocally unqualified to properly handle the responsibilities of national leadership. Which is why everything they touch soon unravels, implodes or otherwise fails.
However, none of the self-caused leadership disasters should be a surprise, whereas it was known from the start by anyone paying a whit of attention, that the one at the top had no appropriate knowledge, skills or experience to draw on. And the position of president of the most successful nation on earth isn’t exactly the place to learn basic political science or business management 101.
That’s it for today folks.
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