Sunday, July 14, 2013

BloggeRhythms 7/14/2013

Haven’t written about Edward Snowden much at all. Primarily because, until all the actual details of his actions, situation and purpose are known, I have no clue as to what his real story is. I further suspect that other than he -and whoever he might be associated with- neither does anyone else. So, sitting here speculating with no hard facts, makes no sense to me.
Nonetheless, a link on Drudge caught my eye leading to an article by Geoff Dyer, a Washington based reporter for London’s Financial Times. The headline was, “Snowden revelations stir up anti-US sentiment.”
Mr. Dyer points out that, Snowden “has managed to create uproar in Europe with information about the bugging of EU offices and over the past week he has created a new international stir in Latin America.”

While the rest of the column contains details, background information and a chronology of Snowden’s known activities until now, it was the last paragraph that triggered my thoughts for today, and this is what it says: “US officials believe the sentiments aroused by Mr. Snowden will dissipate. “Great powers all engage in espionage. That includes China, Russia and the US,” says Jim Lewis, a former intelligence official now at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “It’s not war, it’s not an attack, it’s not use of force, it’s not even coercion.”

Now, Mr. Lewis’ explanation made perfect sense to me because it reminded me not only of my business career, but how the world really works overall.

I’ve been in, or further responsible for, commission sales almost my entire professional life. And after all is said and done, I’ve chosen that road because that’s where the greatest opportunity for earning exists. So much so, that commissioned folks often earn more than those who employ them and frequently financially exceed owners of the business entities they represent.

However, the downside is, as they say in the trade, as far as remaining employed goes your usually only “as good as your last deal.” Which means that if you trip, slip, or fail in your endeavors, the probability is you’ll be axed in a New York minute, and out the door. Because the reason businesses compensate producers so highly is that they’re the one‘s that pay the rent. And, if top producers can’t continually do that, there are no acceptable excuses, the time has come to immediately hire somebody else who can.

So, coming back to the world’s complaints about the overpowering capabilities possessed by the U.S, in a lot of ways it’s remindful of how business works in its purest sense. Because if our nation used its expertise and capabilities to build an entity that can outperform any, or all, of the others, that was by choice and prerogative. And if others didn’t, wouldn’t, or can't compete at that level that’s not America’s fault or problem, its their own.

And what seems absolutely ridiculous to me is when losers or weaklings whine and moan because somebody better might be taking advantage of the strengths and capabilities they built for themselves. My answer to wimps is to get out of the game and come back after you grow up, or find some quiet room and cry to yourself. Because competition isn’t a joke and winners ride while losers walk, and that’s what becoming the best is all about. So, like it or stuff it, and I really don't care which one you choose.

That’s it for today folks.


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