Today’s items cover several subjects illustrating how special interest groups work diligently to force their cases blatantly, defying facts and common sense.
To begin, I assume rising Republican superstar, Dr. Ben Carson, must be rattling many Dem cages, because according to Fox “Johns Hopkins students are campaigning to have [him] pulled from this year's commencement speaker line-up, in response to comments the well-known neurosurgeon, a critic of the Obama administration, made about gay marriage.”
The Dr.’s comment was: "Marriage is between a man and a woman. It's a well-established, fundamental pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality -- it doesn't matter what they are, they don't get to change the definition."
The upset students accused Dr. Carson of comparing "gay relationships with pedophilia and bestiality," which I think is a significant stretch. However, considering the deterioration of language skills among students today, perhaps their overreaction is understandable. But, I think the objection's more a grasp at straws by liberal types, who’d say anything to dis a Republican.
In response, Carson told the Baltimore Sun that people "have completely taken the wrong meaning out of what I was saying. Now perhaps the examples were not the best choice of words, and I certainly apologize if I offended anyone. But the point that I was making was that no group of individuals, whoever they are, whatever their belief systems, gets to change traditional definitions."
Next comes an article by Fraser Nelson of London’s The Telegraph, concerning global warming. I’ve included a link so you can read it yourself, and it’s well worth it. But the gist is that this has been a frigid winter, it hasn’t warmed yet at the start of spring and people are really freezing: It's the cold, not global warming, we should be worried about
Lastly, night before last in one of our favorite hangouts, my wife and I overheard a woman talking about health care taxation. She happened to work for one of the largest hospital entities of it’s kind, employing about 49,000 people.
During her conversation with another person she said her organization was presently formulating a plan to self-insure, and would soon drop out of Obamacare because they can’t afford it.
We then joined her discussion and asked a few questions of our own.
I mention this today because if this woman’s correct and that actually happens, there will then be a model for many other large institutions to follow. And what that means to me is, if those who are being bled to support those who are broke decide to take another healthcare road, the whole Obamacare fraud comes apart at the seams which would be best of all.
Now, I have no idea as to whether this woman was delivering cold, hard facts or not. But, if it’s true and you add it to the international troubles the administration's created, and then the hit folks are taking from rising taxation, and then add the costs of practically everything due to incredibly excessive costs of fuel, who knows maybe the whole Dem agenda will fall apart as it should due to voter dissatisfaction.
As for what develops in the brewing healthcare situation mentioned, I’ll keep you posted best I can.
That's it for today folks.
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