Sunday, March 10, 2013

BloggeRhythms 3/10/2013

Very busy day so far, haven’t had enough time to really digest the news. But  a headline on the Fox website got me to thinking: “Ambassador Susan Rice top contender to become next national security adviser”
Just reading the words was astounding because I doubt  there’s anyone on the planet more unqualified for any kind of security position than this total airhead. After her botched cover-up of the attack on our Benghazi embassy it was obvious to everyone that she puts partisan politics and protection of government ineptitude above all else, including  the truth. 
Out of curiosity I looked her bio up on Wikipedia and found out that she was “Awarded a Rhodes Scholarship, and attended New College, Oxford, where she earned a M.Phil. in 1988 and D.Phil. in 1990. The Chatham House-British International Studies Association honored her dissertation entitled, "Commonwealth Initiative in Zimbabwe, 1979-1980: Implication for International Peacekeeping" as the UK's most distinguished in international relations.
Now, on the surface, her cred’s seem impressive, but as we all found out on Friday, most forms of education today are so watered down, and graduates are such nimwits, diploma’s aren’t worth much more than the the sheepskin they’re printed on. And that pretty much came clear when Rice under pressure stumbled, mumbled, tripped all over herself, because professionally, she’s clueless.
However, as I’ve mentioned quite often before, the problem here isn’t simply the incapability of Susan Rice. Because as can be seen in just about all the incumbent’s choices for cabinet posts, staff jobs or practically anything else, there’s no one to choose from but a a pack of losers who couldn’t last in the real world for even an hour.
So, this is just one more case where we all have to keep praying that nothing happens requiring real skills. Nonetheless, though, if there’s ever a real test requiring capability, her shortcomings will become quickly obvious to all whereas our national security is one of the most important issues of all, except to the incumbent who apparently isn't concerned at all.

That’s it for today folks.


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