Tuesday, March 26, 2013

BloggeRhythms 3/26/2013

Over the recent past, I’ve often mentioned faulty premises of legislation, such as the sequester, for dealing with the nation’s debt. And that’s because I’ve always believed that it’s governmental fiscal mismanagement, especially among Democrats, that's caused the financial crisis we’re in while the private sector is stuck with the costs of their irrational spending and total ignorance of budgeted money-management.
Similarly, I’ve also brought up the exodus of earners bearing the costs of California’s upside-down economic schemes, and my expectation that the state will soon contain nothing but hand-out recipients and a very confused governor, unable to figure out where the money went and why there’s none left to pay for his ridiculous commitments.
I’ve found numerous items and articles to support my case, and today another link on Drudge adds more evidence. According to an SFGate report:  A county administrator to earn $423,664 a year -- for the rest of her life!
After reading the story, it didn’t take a lot of imagination to realize that this lady’s just one of what has to be thousands of municipal employees in the same, or similar, positions throughout the state. And even if their individual compensation amounts to less than hers, the retirement total’s still got to be in the billions.
Consequently, as a place to start recapturing needed funds, I think socialists in general should closely examine the huge outgo they create via their unaffordable expenditures, and once they truly trim that, I think they’ll be quite surprised to find that far less income from taxpayers will suffice in the future.
Along the same lines of blind governmental misspending without thought or caring, is the following segment of an item in the Blog, from the Weekly Standard.
“After two items last week on the cost of lodging for Vice President Joe Biden's early February trip to Europe, other news organizations began to investigate further. Wolf Blitzer's show The Situation Room on CNN uncovered a contract apparently also related to the same visit to Paris: “Also on the receipt was $321,665 for a limousine company.”
So, here we have these government elitists instituting sequesters and cutting back on things like public access to tours of the White House, while a worthless slug like Joe Biden blows a third of a million to park his tail in the back of a limo driving around on a taxpayer-paid trip to Paris.
To me, this is just about the same as taxpayers renting a mansion for Zippy the Chimp.
That’s it for today folks.

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