Thursday, March 21, 2013

BloggeRhythms 3/21/2012

I thought today’s entry was going to be quite short, however I found more fodder for thought than I expected about global warming.
According to Doyle Rice, of USA TODAY via Drudge, Louis Uccellini, the National Weather Service director says: “Wild weather in recent years -- from Hurricane Sandy and deadly tornado outbreaks to extremes of drought and floods -- likely can be traced, in part, to climate change.”
To which he added: “The extreme weather, surprisingly, may even include winter storms, such as the ones that have hammered the Northeast Coast this winter. We have observed more snowstorms and heavy rain events that have been extreme." 
He then said “”Due to the fact that a warming atmosphere can "hold more water vapor that can increase the intensity of storms."
Now, I’m certainly no meteorologist by any stretch and know zip, zero, nada about the technicalities of the atmosphere and climate fluctuation, but I do know enough to ask this simple question: If it’s snowing, doesn’t it have to be cold?
Along those same lines, in an article today by Alex Sosnowski, Expert Senior Meteorologist of, also from Drudge: “Another major storm has begun to cross the nation with areas of heavy snow, flooding rain and severe thunderstorms. The worst conditions with the storm may center over the Palm Sunday weekend.
Like many storms during the second half of the winter, this first major storm of the spring could threaten lives and property, bring significant travel disruptions and foil outdoor plans.
The storm will drive cold air southward over the Rockies and part of the Great Basin.”
So, maybe it’s just me that doesn’t get it about global warming, and that’s only because the facts don’t seem to fit the gibberish. But I have to assume that there are a few other folks who think their might be a glitch in the theory when they’re shoveling their cars out on Palm Sunday. 
And speaking of double-talk, I then found an item by Robert Tait, of the U.K.’s Telegraph who was in Jerusalem and wrote that: ”Mr. Obama walked a thin diplomatic line during [his] speech, urging Israelis to accept Palestinians' right to self-determination, but also insisting it is time for the Arab world to "take steps toward normalizing relations" with the Jewish state. 
"Israelis must recognize that continued settlement activity is counterproductive to the cause of peace, and that an independent Palestine must be viable, that real borders will have to be drawn," Mr. Obama said. 
He also insisted: "Palestinians must recognize that Israel will be a Jewish state, and that Israelis have the right to insist upon their security."
in other words, both sides are right according to him and he can add nothing to the solution.
So, maybe the incumbent could get a job as a weatherman after leaving the White House. Because there seems to be an exact parallel here between experts who know nothing about what the weather will be tomorrow, yet speak emphatically as oracles. Just like politicians do about subjects that are over their heads.
That’s it for today folks.

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