Tuesday, November 6, 2012

BloggeRhythms 11/5/2012

Yesterday I mentioned the deal I think Marathon Man  Mayor Doomsberg worked out with the incumbent to trade his endorsement for relief funds for NYC. And in the same vein, Governor Chris Christie acted similarly in New Jersey, but took a seemingly greater political risk.
Inviting the incumbent to visit, Christie helicoptered with him all over the areas in distress. After which he heaped so much thanks and praise on POTUS it sounded quite close to an outright endorsement like Doomsberg’s but actually fell a bit short of that.
As I pondered Christie’s reaction, I must admit I was quite confused. Because he’d spent the last few months campaigning relentlessly for Mitt Romney, using the harshest of words to defame and demean the incumbent every chance he got. And now it seemed not only was all forgiven by the governor, but his opinion had completely reversed.
However, after giving the matter some more thought, I now sense that the NJ governor not only didn’t change his low opinion of the POTUS, but likely set him up from the git-go. Because I’m sure Christie knows the ropes better than most of what the feds do, how they work, and how bogged down they are by ridiculous red-tape and outdated procedures. Therefore he knew from the start that whatever the POTUS promised, there was no way in the world that he could deliver as stated.  And what that meant was, by letting the vote-hungry incumbent appear to be a savior, he transferred the blame of governmental performance failure from Trenton to the White House because it’s almost a guarantee that nothing good will happen due to POTUS’ visit.
In the end though, none of this likely will matter because the election’s tomorrow and after that I doubt anyone will pay much attention except for those living within the affected areas. And I think that’s especially true for the POTUS. Because whether he wins or loses, I doubt New Jersey will soon be on his agenda ever again.
That's it for today folks.

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