Monday, November 19, 2012

BloggeRhythms 11/19/2012

I’m truly sorry I didn’t take up a real interest in politics until after I was well into my business career and too much involved to change. Because if I’d made the switch, and run for office instead of working for a living, my professional life would have been so much easier.
That thought struck me because of the time I invest when dealing with others, be they co-workers, clients, prospects, existing accounts or anyone else who might see my proposals, contracts or other items in writing, as well as those who may possibly hear whatever I say. I spend all that time insuring the accuracy of my representations because I believe others rely on them and therefore do all I can to insure that what I transmit can be trusted by recipients.
However, had I gone another route and been elected to office, I wouldn’t have had to invest any time at all in accuracy or veracity of my words and simply spouted or wrote whatever sprang to mind at the time, regardless. And I think that point was made quite clearly yesterday by soon retiring Senator Joe Lieberman who said on  a Sunday talk show that in the aftermath of the fatal Libya attacks Republicans are taking a “short-sighted approach by focusing on her public explanation of events,” regarding the comments of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.
So, if I understand the senators words correctly he’s saying that it’s a mistake to listen and rely on what people in government say publically because it’s likely not valid or honest. Which raises another question for me, because if he’s correct, how, where, when and in what form does anyone learn the truth? And furthermore, if the public words are all hype, smoke, and gobbledygook, why do they bother saying them at all?
Nonetheless, if nothing else Lieberman did confirm a very, very well known fact for me, which is that the odds are best to simply assume politicians are lying if their lips are moving.
Along the same lines, I also noticed that Former CIA Director David Petraeus, retained the very powerful Robert Barnett of the Washington-based Williams & Connolly law firm.
According to Fox News on-line, quoting Politico, “Barnett specializes in crisis management and has represented some of the most powerful political figures in the country, including President Obama; former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush; Hillary Rodham Clinton; Sarah Palin and former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney. Petraeus, a former four-star Army general, faces probes by Capitol Hill, the Justice Department and the CIA and now has the support of Barnett's 250-member firm.”
So, in this case I suppose we can guess what Petraeus expects. Because I doubt folks think things will go smoothly when they go out and hire top-of-the-line mouthpieces to represent them. And judging by the list of names above, most of whom ought to be serving twenty to life for fraud, prevarication, deception, dereliction of duty and grand theft, it seems this guy Barnett is worth every penny they paid him and more so.
That’s it for today folks.

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