Saturday, November 10, 2012

BloggeRhythms 11/10/2012

While half the voting public remains in shock from last Tuesday’s election results, disastrous ramifications have quickly begun taking place. The reason's being that the administration has always placed politics above sound governance judgment.
As a result, the nation faces the dangers presented by extremely weak foreign policy postures compounded by continual instances of hiding embarrassing truths, altering  negative facts or purposefully misinforming the public regarding myriad mistakes stemming from gross ineptitude and derelictions of duty.
In that regard, today’s major news headlines concern a dalliance by none other than the perfect soldier and current CIA Director, David Petraeus, who has now resigned his post. However, to me what makes this happening far more tragic isn’t Petraeus’s straying. A significant number of guys do that. It’s the timing of when the story broke that’s disturbing. Because I sense that this situation was known to the administration some time ago, but covered up tight till after election day took place.
Along the same lines we have the situation in Benghazi which may very well turn into another Watergate, and certainly should be examined by Congress inside and out, up and down and around the block whereas this is another political cover-up of the highest order. And if we get lucky, maybe the Republican house will accomplish what anti-administration voters didn’t by tossing the incumbent out.
Whatever happens in the forgoing situations however, one thing’s become crystal clear now. We haven’t even reached the end of the incumbent’s first term yet, however horrendous errors in judgment along with extremely serious breaches of conduct keep piling up. All of which indicates to me that, although I have no clue as to what the specifics will be, the odds of a foreshortened second stretch in office for POTUS keep improving as the clock ticks.
That’s it for today folks.

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