Monday, November 21, 2011

BloggeRhythms 11/21/2011

As mentioned yesterday, I'm in the process of setting up a new computer system and am finding out that not only haven't things improved regarding software upgrades, many of the program transfers have gotten worse.

It seems to me that part of the problem is that simple programs have grown into huge behemoths over time. And while today's computer storage capacities are immense, and CPU's process faster, there's so much data in downloads and on disks it increases the chances of problems and conflicts immeasurably.

But, as always, I've got to hand it to the marketeers in the computer business. Because as sure as I'm sitting here, buried in wires, disks, keyboards, mice, jotted notes and contact numbers for vendors, they've all got answers to every one of my problems. The only thing is that what they tell you for free isn't really very much, but, if I want to spend a few more bucks, they've got all the answers I'll ever need.

So, in a nutshell, what's really needed to successfully upgrade a system, is a chart with the phone numbers of your hardware and software vendors, and just to be sure you get exactly what you need, memorize your attorney's direct dial access.

That's it for today6 folks.


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