Wednesday, November 16, 2011

BloggeRhythms 11/16/2011

Yesterday, I focused on an article that mentioned how the president has disappointed many, if not most, of the kids who worked so hard to help elect him in 2008. And what's depressed them most is the state of the economy and the absence of jobs.

After I posted my entry I continued to think about the issue and jotted some notes for myself as a reminder for today's blog. Because it dawned on me that this guy in the White House is doing his very best to socialize the nation, redistribute wealth and penalize those in business. And in doing so, he's almost completely stifled the private sector, scared off new investment and introduced scads of legislation and regulation that blocks, impedes or discourages the hiring of additional people.

Now, none of the preceding is news to anyone who pays the slightest attention to reasons why businesses don't, won't, or can't hire more workers. However, I gave some more thought to the incredible situation that's been created. Because here we have a case where politicians and bureaucrats prevent a huge segment of the population from finding work -due to those very same bureaucrats determination to do businesses in- yet the bureaucrats themselves keep their jobs.

And that's why I concluded that these folks in government ought to be measured exactly the same way that folks in the real world are. Instead of a four year guarantee of employment, unless there's an impeachment and removal from office, their performance should be evaluated every week, month, and quarter as in business. And if positive results aren't there, they shouldn't be either.

I know in my own case, there were many times where I told my employer that I'd surely make my quota, I just needed more time. And their answer usually was something like: "That's okay, Mike. Take all the time you need to produce results. However, do it somewhere else because you're fired."

But, since politicians are job protected for particular terms in office, they don't get immediately blown out for miserable results. And in fact, they get chances to make speeches wherein they blame everyone else for their failures. Yet, if I went out on the stump and disparaged a company that axed me, I'd likely wind up in court and paying them huge sums for defamation.

So, in this case the president's still got his job, the country's still on it's way down the chute and he's in Hawaii making excuses for the dilemma. The only problem he has with that is, in delivering yesterday's blast of hot air to Hawaiians he mistakenly described his location as "Asia" while answering a question about budget cuts. But I guess when your whole life's a vacation from reality, it's not always easy to remember where you actually are.

That's it for today folks.


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