Sunday, August 7, 2011

BloggeRhythms 8/7/2011

The markets may plunge further tomorrow due to S&P downgrading the creditworthiness of the U.S., and perhaps they won't. We'll all know soon enough. But that's only one more symptom, although a huge one, of the real impact of what's actually happened to our economy.

As I've mentioned before, in many entries, what we're finally really seeing here is the disclosure of the failings of a political belief and system that cannot possibly work. And it really shouldn't have taken the near destruction of the strongest economy ever known to man to prove it. But, for some reason or other it has. Because you'd think that even the most naive, unschooled child could figure out that when only twenty or so percent of a population carries the other 80% on their back, sooner or later that back has got to break.

Beyond that fact however, is that when a government stifles every attempt made by those who still want to try to succeed financially and causes total stagnation, you'd also think they'd examine their failures and try to correct them. But that's not what's happening in this case. Because instead of incenting businesses, the providers of nation's lifeblood, to accelerate and produce needed funds, leadership has decided to pile debt upon debt instead, almost insuring recovery cannot occur.

Although the miserable job done by the Democrat party was more or less predictable, because they've never understood how our economy works, this time around they had major compounding problems. And those woes weren't completely due simply to ideology. Because a lot of it had to with accidents of birth. And if nothing else has been proven by the total debacle made of the nation, it's now crystal clear that just about everyone at the top of the Democrat party is intellectually dense.

To prove the point, you can go down the list yourself, but I doubt you'll find anyone dumber than Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Frank, Dodd, and on and on right up to the Taxer-in-Chief at the top. So, in summary, I guess you can't really blame them for their failures because they unknowingly walked into a battle of wits unarmed, which means that in addition to having low IQ's, they probably attended either public or Ivy league schools, or maybe both.

That's it for today folks.


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