Thursday, August 25, 2011

BloggeRhythms 8/25/2011

Many recent entries have mentioned that a significant number of today's political types seem either unaware, or simply can't grasp, that the world has changed. And while signals exist everywhere, demonstrating how out of touch with reality they are, they insist on staying on the same tired old courses regardless that it's dooming them to failure.

Just yesterday I pointed out how damaging it is to try managing situations beyond one's scope of knowledge or experience, as evidenced by how the incumbent administration has almost destroyed our nation's economy altogether, only to read that the president now plans to garner as much support as he can from union members. And here too, he's totally missed the point of what makes our country succeed and grow.

Because as candidate Mitt Romney pointed out in New Hampshire Wednesday, “Right-to-work states over the last decade added three million new jobs. Forced union states lost a million. I don't want to discriminate against right-to-work states. I like right-to-work states. I want those jobs.”

Right now, there are approximately 16.1 million union members. 36.8% of them in the public sector, 7.6% private.

So, when you look at the actual membership statistics and realize how little of the total workforce these folks represent, you can see that what really goes on here is that a relatively small percentage of all those employed make an awful lot of noise.

What that means is, once again the president's on the wrong track as far as the economy's concerned. Because, voting-wise, union folks don't have anywhere as much clout as you'd think. It's just that, quite similar to him, they think they can win by screaming and no one will notice what a lousy job they actually do when it counts.

That's it for today folks.


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