A blurb I read on Fox says, "It comes as no surprise that Obama agreed to be the headline speaker at the massive union conclave in Detroit on Labor Day. This will be part of the president’s new jobs program rollout, but it will also be his chance to remind unions what he has done for them."
And as I read the short paragraph, I too was reminded of what he's done on union members behalf, because his support has helped them immensely in their drive to disable every entity in which they've crept in. Thanks to them our school system's worthless, products and services cost more than they should, and those having them on the payroll are saddled with management problems practically impossible to resolve.
So, this is one more example of an incumbent whose view of the working world is upside down. It's as if he looks at the world of commerce as a machine that keeps producing no matter how much you do to drain it dry, and that he can keep on taking from it forever via redistribution of wealth.
The only flaw in the plan, however, is that he needs continuing cooperation from those that generate income but they've no patience left . And when all the givers are gone, no one remains but takers. So, he can go and make all the speeches he pleases to hordes of professional leeches, but just like him, their time's just about run out.
That's it for today folks.
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