It appears to me that the administration is leaking bits of information here and there about the president's upcoming major thrust for increasing employment and turning the hapless economy around. This way, he can examine the feedback and use it to help package the presentation he'll make sometime after returning from his mostly taxpayer paid vacation. The only question I have in that regard is: Vacation from what?
As far as his plan itself goes, whatever it turns out to be, it's simply another political ploy. Because, as everyone knows with this guy, in the end he'll do absolutely nothing regardless, no matter what he says next month.
And that brings me to the thought I had this morning, which is simply a continuation of what I've been typing herein for months. One of the biggest faults of the incumbents is their total inability to grasp how much the world has changed and gone right by them. Because the president's strategy is to build a case wherein he presents economic solutions he expects his political enemies to reject, which will enable to say "I tried my best, but they refuse to the whole blames on them."
But, what he apparently doesn't understand is that political campaigns and rhetoric hardly matter at all any more because virtually instant communication keeps everyone who cares an iota at all plugged-in in real time 24/7/365. And that means, whether he knows about it or not, he's been closely measured continually from the git-go, so campaign hot air is absolutely valueless now and forevermore. Because all the words in the world can't overcome what people have viewed every day with their own eyes from the start. We all have his number by now and know him inside out, no matter what comes out of his ever-open mouth.
So, for his sake, I guess it would be good if he enjoys his last vacation on the arm of the tax-laden public. And while significant numbers of people are lining up for food stamps around the country, I'm sure his own meals will be better at those five star Vineyard restaurants. But, the clock's continually clicking for him and fortunately for the rest of us...his time's just about run out.
That's it for today folks.
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