Monday, August 15, 2011

BloggeRhythms 8/15/2011

As far as politics goes, the next few months are likely to be extremely boring because the upcoming presidential race is just about over. Now that we all know who the Republican candidates are almost assuredly to be, the only thing that remains undecided is if it comes out Romney/Perry or the other way around. But either way, the guy in office now is certainly gone.

And I know she doesn't matter, but this Bachamann woman is getting on my nerves, because every time I see her I can't help but think; What if? And that would certainly be a total disaster. Because, as I keep repeating, but think it's worth some keystrokes again, I doubt there's a soul with an ounce of intelligence that doesn't understand by now how much damage an unskilled, inexperienced, unseasoned amateur can do to the nation in a very short time. And it would beyond comprehension if members of any party would willingly do it to themselves again by voting her in.

I keep projecting ahead and imagining what it would be like if by some stroke of bad luck she actually got elected. And questions keep popping up like how in the world could she ever fathom what's required to grasp data presented to her by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And how about a meeting or two with the leadership of China, Russia or any Middle-Eastern nation. I'm sure the guy in Iran, who's names too hard to type, would be shaking in his boots. He'd probably ask her to go outside and water his camel.

And then there's Wall Street, where after three years of on the job training the current incumbent's watching the nation's assets disintegrate because he has no clue as to what our economy's all about. So, if we had an even more rank amateur at the helm she'd have to have a sign on her desk that says, "The buck stops somewhere else."

Beyond all that, what does someone with three terms in the House really know about fixing our employment problems? There's a huge task ahead that needs to be done to unwind the NLRB, neutralize the EPA, and break the stranglehold of the unions in order to revitalize grassroots businesses, the backbone of our economy. While former governors already have an understanding of those problems at the state level, we all currently see at the moment how an amateur at the helm gets eaten for lunch.

Furthermore, the banks in the nation need their confidence restored before they'll be willing to start lending again. So, which of them, who've been battered and bruised for the past seven years is going to be the first to step up and help support an unskilled beginner prime the funding pump again? Even I know the answer to that one: No one.

So, I can keep going down the list and adding more problems that the current incumbent has created for us, but I'm sure by now we all know how horrendous the situation is. And that's why I'm spending my time reiterating my feelings so often about Bachmann. Because I'll type 'til I burn out altogether trying to keep an unqualified novice wannabe who gives good microphone from doing us all in again.

That's it for today folks.


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