Tuesday, August 2, 2011

BloggeRhythms 7/2/2011

Looks like the debt deal will be approved in the Senate, which is no surprise, and then it'll be rubber stamped in the White House. And then it'll be back to business as usual in DC. Except, as I've been predicting lately, after the strictly partisan way the administration disregarded the needs of the nation during the debt wrangle, they've turned their leader into a lame duck. And his chances of reelection are now somewhere around zero.

Proof of the administration's inexperience and poor judgement can be seen in just about every issue they've addressed, and their ineptitude's long been a matter of record. And, today, you can add one more to the heap. Because the Justice Department has just filed a lawsuit against Alabama's new controversial immigration law. The Fed's position is essentially the same as in Arizona, whereas in both cases they claim the states are overstepping their authority by getting into something that is a strictly federal responsibility: immigration enforcement.

However, the reason both states have taken matters into their own hands is an attempt to control illegal immigration themselves because the Fed's won't. And by doing nothing to help various states out, because aiding illegals leads to more votes for the Dem's, they burden states financially, increase crime rates, and weaken local economies with no regard whatsoever for legal citizenry.

So, this is just one more example of where the administration either has no clue as to the needs and wants of the public or simply couldn't care less, chasing unrealistic reform where it makes no sense instead. Yet, as I've mentioned many, many times in the past...there are presently unquestionable legal ways to enter the nation, so it's an enigma as to why the administration chooses not to abide by or enforce immigration laws already on the books.

As an aside to this issue, I came across another item in the same regard that also confuses me. It seems that, The American Civil Liberties Union, applauded the Fed's lawsuit, calling Alabama's immigrant law "draconian" and "anti-immigrant." And their comment made we wonder once again why the association's name includes the word American. Because if these subversives are on our side, I dread to learn how much our enemies really hate us.

That's it for today folks.


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