Monday, December 19, 2016


Yesterday’s subject regarded the perceptual differences between the two major political party’s, made quite obvious by Mrs. Obama’s whining to Oprah Winfrey that “hope” is now gone for the nation’s people. 

In response, a comparison was made here that to a great extent, “hope” is actually a matter of perception. Whereas, since leftists believe it's government's responsibility to see to their needs, dependency being their credo, Trump's election portends an ending to their economic well-being as they presently know it. Particularly as it’s been for the past eight years.

For the first lady, the same scenario holds true, except on a far grander scale. No more taxpayer funded White House party’s and extravaganzas, no more helicopter transportation, no more bulletproof limousines, no more 132 room mansion, no more Camp David getaways at $711,000 a day, no more private army of servants including maids, cooks, butlers, head housekeeper, permanent full-time plumbers, valets, groundskeepers, engineers and florists, no more personal trainer, no more executive chef, no more 42-seat tiered theater where she and others can watch movies, no more massive White House garden for raising fruits and vegetables, and no more Blair House for guests with its four integrated townhomes, combined 120 rooms and 18 full-time employees.  

Not to mention the $85 million spent on vacations to get away from all of those perks mentioned above.

Consequently, it’s quite simple to grasp why the first lady believes “hope” is gone, unless she and her husband foot the bills for those perks in the future themselves. Which is an alien concept to most on the left who are used to having others cover those tabs for them. As is anything else involving real labor taboo.

And yet, today, quite a few articles illustrate that leftists can actually work, if they’re forced to. 

At present they're getting together, organizing and extending significant effort to overturn Trump’s election by attempting to persuade electors not to cast votes for him. That's despite his presidential win according to tradition established by the Founding Fathers.

According to Jerome Cartillier this morning: “An online petition calling on electors to reject Trump, has collected some five million supporters. Hollywood stars including Martin Sheen ("President Bartlet" on the popular television series "West Wing") recently released a video to goad electors to take that step.”

Therefore, the panicked reaction to the potential ending of the governmental gravy train, coupled with the immediate organization of a sizable anti-Trump movement clearly demonstrates that even among leftists, effort can be extended if critically necessary.  And especially so if lifestyle threatening changes are in the offing.  

Unfortunately for those leftists however, is that the chances of a last-ditch electoral college upheaval are somewhere between slim and none.  

And then, while scrolling Facebook this morning a similarity to the comparisons in perception between leftists and those on the right was found. While not exactly under the heading of perception of one’s lot in life, this one conveys the difference in perception of others worth by those leaning left or right.  

In an article, Steve Straub writes that “W” Bush and his family always vacationed before or after the holidays. That’s because hundreds of people were affected including staff, the military, Secret Service, even members of the press corps assigned to reportage on them among many others.

It was the Bush’s belief that those involved also belonged with their own family’s on important occasions and didn’t want to selfishly disrupt that togetherness. 

And that fits right in with the basic leftist mindset which always involves maximizing their own comfort and well-being first. Regardless of how much they take from others, how they take it or when.

That's it for today folks.


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