Despite that the suggestion is certainly true, several paragraphs of today’s first item are presented intact, whereas they present a recapitulation of the cause and effect of the presidential election results that is right on the mark, needing no editorializing.
The author is Maureen Dowd, a very liberal columnist from the New York Times who wrote: “The election was a complete repudiation of Barack Obama: his fantasy world of political correctness, the politicization of the Justice Department and the I.R.S., an out-of-control E.P.A., his neutering of the military, his nonsupport of the police and his fixation on things like transgender bathrooms. Since he became president, his party has lost 63 House seats, 10 Senate seats and 14 governorships.”
Farther along she brilliantly encapsulated the glaring faults deriving from the coddling of the younger generations: “Here is a short primer for the young protesters. If your preferred candidate loses, there is no need for mass hysteria, canceled midterms, safe spaces, crying rooms or group primal screams. You might understand this better if you had not received participation trophies, undeserved grades to protect your feelings or even if you had a proper understanding of civics. The Democrats are now crying that Hillary had more popular votes. That can be her participation trophy.”
As for irrational reactions on the part of shocked liberals, Ms Dowd wrote: “Mr. Trump received over 62 million votes, not all of them cast by homophobes, Islamaphobes, racists, sexists, misogynists or any other “ists.” I would caution Trump deniers that all of the crying and whining is not good preparation for the coming storm. The liberal media, both print and electronic, has lost all credibility. I am reasonably sure that none of the mainstream print media had stories prepared for a Trump victory. I watched the networks and cable stations in their midnight meltdown — embodied by Rachel Maddow explaining to viewers that they were not having a “terrible, terrible dream” and that they had not died and “gone to hell.”
In closure, Ms Dowd underlined the irrationality of the loss of fantasy-like dreamworlds many high-profile liberals have construed to be their reality: “Here is a final word to my Democratic friends. The election is over. There will not be a do-over. So let me bid farewell to Al Sharpton, Ben Rhodes and the Clintons. Note to Cher, Barbra, Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham: Your plane is waiting. And to Jon Stewart, who talked about moving to another planet: Your spaceship is waiting. To Bruce Springsteen, Jay Z, Beyoncé and Katy Perry, thanks for the free concerts. And finally, to all the foreign countries that contributed to the Clinton Foundation, there will not be a payoff or a rebate.
“As Eddie Murphy so eloquently stated in the movie “48 Hrs.”: “There’s a new sheriff in town.” And he is going to be here for 1,461 days. Merry Christmas.”
All of which illustrates clearly that Ms Dowd’s a writer who knows her audience extremely well.
On another issue, Burgess Everett and Jennifer Haberkorn note in an article that although Senate Democrats will never vote to repeal Obamacare, “once the deed is done, a surprising number of them say they’re open to helping Republicans replace it.”
Democrat Senator, Claire McCaskill from Missouri said: “If it makes sense, I think there’ll be a lot of Democrats who would be for it.”
Most interesting about the situation is that even after the huge shellacking his party just took in the elections, new Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said “we’re not going to do a replacement” if the law’s repealed, squashing the idea of bipartisan cooperation on any half-measure.
While Schumer’s decided to stand his ground, twenty-five Democrats are on the ballot in 2018, 10 of them in states that Donald Trump just won.
Yet Democrats still believe the GOP will be hard-pressed to win any crossover votes, believing that public opinion will turn against Republicans after repeal.
Other Democrats “scoff at the idea of assisting what they call a Republican attempt to hold the health care of 22 million Americans hostage as they debate replacement plans."
What’s most incredible though, is that while Democrats focus on the 22 million currently enrolled in the program, none of them seem to realize that 62,955,363 people voted for Trump and his party also controls both Houses of Congress.
Which means that if socialism is Schumer’s goal, the aim is to seek the greater good for those involved. And in the case of Obamacare, almost three times the people don’t like or want the program. So, good luck with that one, Senator Schumer.
At the same time, another confirmation was found of a positive attitude arising throughout the nation following Trump’s election. Diana Olick writes about what she calls a Trump rally in homebuilding.
In December, the first measure done after the presidential election, the “National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI) rose to 70,” a confidence spike of 7 points and “the highest level since July 2005.”
“Fifty is the line between positive and negative sentiment. The index has not jumped by this much in one month in 20 years. It stood at 60 one year ago."
On the other hand, a different sort of result’s taking place in response to the Democrat push for a $15.00 per hour minimum wage.
According to a story Eatsa is an automated restaurant in Midtown Manhattan, opened as an East Coast anchor for a small chain that started in California.
The store has no cashiers, orders are placed by iPad or phone. Meals appear in little lockers that customers tap to open the door for retrieval.
All food is all vegetarian, bowls costing about $7.
Located on Madison Avenue, between 40th and 41st streets, there are some humans involved, “in the back preparing the salads but are not seen by the customers.”
The company was named Restaurant Business' 2016 Tech Accelerator of the Year and is surely an indicator of many similar operations to come.
And in closing, just to reflect momentarily on a favorite topic, Chris Dolce
“Some locations have seen or could see their coldest December temperatures in several years, and some record lows may be threatened.”
As a suggestion for those now needing fire starters for heat and warmth, there are probably warehouses of unsalable books suitable for burning. For example, just look for the title: “An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It,” by AlGore. It's highly likely you’ll find thousands of them that nobody wants anymore.
That’s it for today folks.
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