Today’s one that clearly illustrates how greatly indoctrinated toward blind
acceptance people have become, thanks to the declining educational system,
self-serving politicians and a supportive left-leaning mainstream media.
An example can be found in an article reporting that
Trump’s victories in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were certified yesterday. The
Wisconsin recount showed him beating Clinton by more than 22,000 votes, a net
increase for him of 131 votes, changing the final results to a 0.06 percent
increase in his favor.
In Pennsylvania, after a federal judge “issued a stinging rejection” of a
Green Party-backed request to recount paper ballots and scan some counties'
election systems for signs of hacking, the state certified the results which saw
Trump defeat Clinton by more than 44,000 votes.
A statewide recount in Michigan had been earlier blocked by the courts.
At the same time, Charles Krauthammer told “Special Report with Bret Baier”
viewers Monday that it’s a “problem” that Rex Tillerson received a Russian Order
of Friendship medal.
Krauthammer said that “What you're getting is a second novice. Meaning
somebody without direct foreign policy experience, and somebody who received an
Order of Friendship from a guy who is not our friend and that's a problem.”
Believing Trump himself is at blame for the controversy, Krauthammer went on:
“If Trump had not been so friendly, shall we say, to Putin during the campaign,
had he not said such good things about him, had he not valued the relationship
and spoken offhandedly about working together, it probably wouldn't have been a
big liability.”
So, what these two issues clearly illustrate is the inability,
or unwillingness, of traditional-thinking politico’s and their pundits to
realize that the game has now changed. The change is due to the pace and style
of Trump’s results-oriented, fast-moving, approach to team-building and
Thus, when Trump determined that voters in states like Wisconsin,
Pennsylvania and Michigan were quite amenable to his job-focused,
economy-growing approach to governance, he spent significant campaign time in
those areas, receiving a winning margin in return.
And what did his shocked competitors do afterwards? They demanded recounts
which ultimately led to their losing the same election twice. A truly definitive
exclamation point on how little they know about both, what voters want and how
to deliver it.
As far as Krauthammer’s concerned, it’s quite apparent that he too can’t
comprehend the style of anyone who isn’t a traditional, DC insider-type
politician. Because in a business deal, or any other kind of stand-off or
negotiation, what could possibly be better than someone on your side who’s
totally familiar with the adversary?
Knowing the opposition intimately well, how they think, how they react, how
they perform, and most importantly, what they truly want is a truly invaluable
advantage. What’s more, he’s an Eagle Scout and longtime volunteer with the Boy
Scouts of America, from 2010 to 2012 their national president, its highest
non-executive position.
So he’s certainly not they type who’s going to harm his
very own nation or it’s citizens because he’s consistently proven that he's trustworthy, loyal, helpful,
friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and
As for Trump himself, his approach also seems to have registered quite favorably with another
innovative businessman. On CNBC’s Squawk Box this morning, Bill Gates
said: “A lot of his message has been about ... where he sees things not as good
as he'd like.
"But in the same way President Kennedy talked about the space mission and got
the country behind that," Gates continued, "I think whether it's education or
stopping epidemics ... [or] in this energy space, there can be a very upbeat
message that [Trump's] administration [is] going to organize things, get rid of
regulatory barriers, and have American leadership through innovation."
Which is quite an accolade coming from someone like left-leaning Gates,
because one doesn’t see comparisons to the revered JFK very often, if ever.
And then, while Trump continued surrounding himself with the best available
to take on the challenge of rebuilding the nations economy, infrastructure and
relationships with foreign powers, Obama appeared on Comedy Central last night
where he said: “America is still struggling to overcome its legacies of slavery,
Jim Crow, colonialism, and racism."
A quite interesting statement whereas it is not only the complete antithesis
of Trump's focus and message, but was spoken by the first black president of the
In other news, the barrel price for oil hit $53.17 today as OPEC nations
continue on their pledge to cut production of crude. But that may be one last,
and ill thought out, gasp.
That's because Trump says he’ll nominate Rick Perry as Secretary of Energy.
That's thought to be a nod to the traditional GOP emphasis on developing our
own energy sources like coal and oil.
While he was selected because of his strong performance as Governor of Texas,
his attitude about domestic oil supply is reflected in his sitting on the
corporate board for
Energy Transfer Partners, the parent company of Dakota Access LLC, which is
pushing to build the pipeline.
Perry’s history as governor fits right in with Trump's perspective as reflected in his book,
"Crippled America," where he wrote: "I've never understood why, with all of our own reserves,
we've allowed this country to be held hostage by OPEC, the cartel of
oil-producing countries, some of which are hostile to America."
Trump says he'll roll back Obama regulations on the fossil fuel industry in
his first 100 days. While many of these regulations fall under the
EPA, leadership from the Energy Department could also play a key role.
All of which confirm once again, Trump’s perspective of direction which
differs greatly from what’s taken place during the past eight years. While Trump
envisions a booming economy propelled by industrial development fueled by
domestic oil resources, Obama and his ilk believed in going back to buggy whips
and hot air balloons.
That’s it for today folks.
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