Monday, December 5, 2016


As far as Trump’s outlook for Christmas is concerned, Nancy Pelosi’s reelection as House Minority Leader is a gift that keeps on giving. That's because she’s steadfastly dedicated to maintaining the failing Democrat core philosophies. 

Yesterday, according to, she appeared on CBS's "Face the Nation" saying that despite Democrats losing the House, Senate, and almost two-thirds of state houses, the American people don't want a new direction. The issue facing Democrats is simply a failure of communication. 

Show host John Dickerson asked: “The Democratic Party is in a moment of questioning about its identity. You were reelected to lead the Democrats in the House. What do you tell Democrats who want a new direction and then, go to you, what are you going to do differently?”

Pelosi replied: “Well, I don’t think people want a new direction. Our values unify us and our values are about supporting America’s working families. That’s one that everyone is in agreement on. What we want is a better connection of our message to working families in our country, and that clearly in the election showed that that message wasn’t coming through. But we are united in terms of the security of our country, which is our first responsibility. To be smart and strong and not reckless in how we protect the American people, strong in how we protect our economy.”

What immediately catches the eye is that, although there may be some aspects of the leftist agenda that in some way benefit constituents, the three that Pelosi picked certainly aren’t among them.

Shrinking the employment rolls to the lowest percentage since Jimmy Carter at 62.9% can’t possibly be attractive to those seeking full-time jobs. At the same time, wide open border policy isn’t desired by members of any political party, while the economy’s been stagnant for the past eight years. All of which reflect the nation’s current status. 

Thus, if Pelosi truly believes that all she and her compatriots need to do is to simply improve their communication capability while delivering the same old results, they’ve effectively given Trump clear sailing for as long as he chooses to captain his administration's boat and beyond.         

In response, reader, John (magnum) posted the following quote from Thomas Sowell: “The real motives of liberals have nothing to do with the welfare of other people. Instead, they have two related goals…to establish themselves as morally and intellectually superior to the rather distasteful population of common people, and to gather as much power as possible to tell those distasteful common people how they must live their lives.” 

On the same morning that Pelosi presented her blueprint for failure on Face the Nation, Vice-President Mike Pence was appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press." 

He voiced strong support for General David Petraeus as his favorite for Secretary of State, declining to comment when asked to speculate on the general passing Senate confirmation due to a federal judge sentencing him to two years of probation as part of a plea agreement on mishandling classified information. 

“That will be up to the president-elect,” Pence said. “I think the president-elect will weigh that against the backdrop of an extraordinary career in military service, whether it's in the role of secretary of state or another role in this administration.”

However, what struck home was Pence also saying that “Bolton, Corker, Giuliani, Petraeus, Romney and others bring extraordinary background and qualities.” That's because, what the individuals currently on the candidate list illustrate, is that they represent an awesome array of talent, credentials and professionalism, without a dud in the bunch.   

And that’s a far, far cry from what the Democrats, Pelosi and their ilk have to offer throughout their ranks form top to bottom.

In closing, another favorite topic hit the news in an article published regarding climate change. However the author’s issue isn’t global-warming itself, but rather, the politics involved in the subject. And once again it’s astute reader comments that made the story well worth reading. 

Heading his piece: “My Unhappy Life as a Climate Heretic,” Roger Pielke Jr. explains his ostracism from the mainstream of climate science because while believing “climate change is real and that human emissions of greenhouse gases risk justifying action, including a carbon tax,” his “research led [him] to a conclusion that many climate campaigners find unacceptable: There is scant evidence to indicate that hurricanes, floods, tornadoes or drought have become more frequent or intense in the U.S. or globally.”

Pielke even went to the extreme of including Clinton cohort John Podesta in his rather long treatise, writing: “I understand why Mr. Podesta—most recently Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman—wanted to drive me out of the climate-change discussion. When substantively countering an academic’s research proves difficult, other techniques are needed to banish it. That is how politics sometimes works, and professors need to understand this if we want to participate in that arena.”

However, as mentioned above, it’s well-informed, acutely aware, highly intelligent readers that captured the true essence of the subject matter.  

Joseph Rio wrote: “Professor Pielke has committed blasphemy and must be pilloried by the High Priests of the Church of Climate Catastrophe. The Church elders fear any threat to the multi-billion dollar tithe they receive from governments around the world for their services in enlarging those governments' power over their subjects. So of course, they will stop at nothing." 

Edmund Metcalfe correctly concluded: “So many people miss the point here.  It's irrelevant what the man thinks or what the truth might be.  The point he is making is valid; unless you toe the line and preach the politically correct narrative, you are at risk of censure and worse."

John Stephenson added: “I look forward to Mr. Trump using his bully pulpit to counter the fantasies (and outright fabrications) of the climate alarmists as well as many of the other "politically correct" topics of our time by simply speaking the truth.  It has been eight years since we had in the White House anyone who could be believed about anything, and if HRC had been elected it would have been 4 more years of the same.

“Based on the election results, it is clear that many Americans would still rather hear pronouncements which reinforce the indoctrination which they have been exposed to in the MSM and their public education experience than hear the truth.  But that may change if Mr. Trump and his subordinates began to enlighten us all to things as they really are. 

“I hope the avalanche of actual facts and figures which I expect to hear during the next four years finally awakens the HRC voters to the Democrat party campaign to beguile them to accept and embrace serfdom as the new normal, and they refuse. 

Then John Callahan, presented evidence of what his own contrarian research disclosed: 

"Climate Change" is the Lysenkoism of our time. 

"The term Lysenkoism can also be used metaphorically to describe the manipulation or distortion of the scientific process as a way to reach a predetermined conclusion as dictated by an ideological bias, often related to social or political objectives."
More than 3000 Soviet biologists and geneticists were fired, imprisoned or executed for not supporting the pseudo-scientific ideas of Lysenkoism. When you see headlines such as...
'US Attorney General: We’ve ‘Discussed’ Prosecuting Climate Change Deniers'
... the parallels to our time could not be more clear. We ignore them at our own risk. 

“There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.”- Michael Crichton” 

Whereas the four gentlemen above have certainly done my work for me today in an unsurpassable fashion, there’s nothing left to write but: 

That’s it for today folks. 


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