Wednesday, December 14, 2016


IBM Chief Executive, Ginni Rometty, said her company will hire 25,000 people in the United States over the next four years, before attending a meeting with Trump yesterday. About 6,000 of the hires will be made in 2017.

Stating that: “Jobs are being created that demand new skills - which in turn requires new approaches to education, training and recruiting,” she said: “IBM, will invest $1billion on employee training and development in the next four years."

When reading the article, the thought occurred that as soon as Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer learn of IBM’s expansion plans and that the jobs will require education and training they'll start an uproar, calling the requirements unfair to typical Democrats, particularly those who’ve attended public schools.

With the recounts behind us, there’s very little left to discuss about the presidential election itself. Nonetheless, an article was found on Drudge from, reporting that voting machines in more than one-third of all Detroit precincts registered more votes than they should have.

According to Wayne County records prepared at the request of The Detroit News, reports from the office of Wayne County Clerk, Cathy Garrett, optical scanners at 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, or 37 percent, tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books.

However, it’s the detailed arithmetic that makes the story of interest. Clinton overwhelmingly prevailed in Detroit and Wayne County, where one ballot box contained only 50 of the 306 ballots listed in a poll book. Yet, despite the rigging in Clinton’s favor, Trump won the state of Michigan by 10,704 votes, or 47.5 percent to 47.3 percent.

Which means that even after all the effort made to help her at the polls in Detroit, including the tabulation of almost 40% more votes than actually cast for her, Clinton still lost the election. And if that isn’t the absolute height of rejection, someone will have to explain to me what is.

Along similar lines, aside from the tide having turned on leftist politico's in general around the world, many of their common traits are creating self-inflicted wounds.

Just six days ago it was noted here that Joe Biden was in Ottawa praising Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. At that time, attending a dinner hosted by Trudeau, Biden said: “I’ve never seen Europe engaged in as much self-doubt. The world’s going to spend a lot of time looking to you, prime minister, as we see more and more challenges to the liberal international order since the end of World War II -- you and Angela Merkel.”

And now, today, Frances Martel writes that Trudeau told Canada’s House of Commons yesterday that he’s attended lavish fundraisers for his family’s foundation to “create economic growth for the middle class.”

In a situation that ought to feel quite familiar to Biden, Trudeau defended his participation in fundraisers thrown by the Pierre Trudeau Foundation, following “an admission that he allowed attendees to lobby him at these fundraisers, a clear violation of Liberal Party bylaws.” 

The revelation of the “cash-for-access scandal” comes on the heels of his effusively praising Fidel Castro, after which “public approval of the Liberal Party dropped 9 percentage points.” 

A Toronto Star poll released on December 10th found “42 percent of respondents approve of the job the Liberals are doing, down from 51 percent in November. In comparison, Conservative leader Ambrose’s support increased six percentage points.”

So, it appears that two things are consistent regarding liberals in office, no matter where they reside. Leftist politicians tend to organize foundations for personal purposes as soon as they're able to. And voters don’t care for them very much anymore, regardless of who those politicians are. 

That’s it for today folks


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