The Wall Street Journal’s Carol E. Lee,, wrote yesterday
about the POTUS’s “muted reaction to the Brussels attacks” being by design.
Ms Lee writes: “Mr. Obama’s public appearance of nonchalance has drawn
criticism from Republicans that he is detached from Americans’ fears and isn’t
sufficiently countering violent extremism. But his approach partly reflects his
belief that overreacting to a terrorist attack—however horrific—elevates
extremist groups like Islamic State in a way that exaggerates their influence,
his aides have said.
“Also driving Mr. Obama is his view that the threat of terrorism in
Americans’ daily lives often is overstated, and that the focus on it could
become self-paralyzing and an excuse to adopt misguided policies. His aides
often note that many more Americans are killed by gun violence than terrorist
attacks, for instance.”
The first thought in response coming to mind was that it’s likely that most
Americans aren’t actually concerned about the POTUS “overreacting.” They’re far more
upset that he never reacts at all.
And, as far as “his view” regarding terrorism in their daily lives being
“overstated,” whereas more Americans are killed by gun violence than terrorist
attacks, the two situations aren’t an either or, he’s supposed to be finding
solutions to both.
However, as it turns out, my personal reaction wasn’t even really needed,
whereas the first four reader's comments accurately and concisely provided
a spot-on summation.
Helen Corey opined: “I'm tired of the comparison between gun violence on the
streets and terrorism violence. Both cause horrific deaths. A nation's main job
is to protect its citizens. If it fails to protect them, it is failing its main
Wayne Smith added: “His reaction to terrorism has indeed been muted, but so
has his reaction been to our lousy economy, the plight of the middle class, the
continuing burden of health care costs and an assortment of other issues that
really ought to inspire a sense of urgency as opposed to nonchalance.”
Kyle Foster followed with: “It's not part of some brilliant plan Obama has to
defeat ISIS. He's just not interested in stopping Muslim terrorists. Actions
speak louder than words.”
And then Richard Green delivered the perfect closer: “The actions of our
Fop-In-Chief -whooping it up at a baseball game and dancing the tango- hours
after the Brussels slaughter were disgusting.”
All of which goes to confirm, that although the POTUS may not be paying
attention to what goes on in the world, a significant part of the voting public
certainly is.
On a similar matter, Carlos Jasso via
Drudge reports; “Just as Barack Obama was making the first visit to
Cuba in 88 years by a U.S. president, some 1,500 migrants from the Communist
island were bunched on Panama's border with Costa Rica, struggling to reach the
United States to start a new life.
“The build-up follows the airlift of around 6,000 Cubans from Costa Rica and
Panama, which ended last week.”
As far as Cuban citizens are concerned, Halena Leiva, 31, who has worked as a
cleaning lady in the Panamanian border town of Paso Canoas since she ran out of
money on her way north, said: “If I hadn't left Cuba, I would have ended up in
prison because I love freedom and having options."
"With the visit of Obama, this is the beginning of a good change," said
45-year-old Cuban welder Isbel Loriete, who was confident he would find plenty
of work in the United States once he got out of Panama. "Every change is good."
So, what we have here are two examples of what Cuban citizens really think,
which may be well known to the Obama administration. And what’s apparent is,
that with relaxing travel restrictions between the two nations, it will be far
easier for Cubans to enter the U.S from wherever they are, the end goal for many
of them. Which ultimately means a significant increase in the number of people voting
Democrat in the future. Bingo!
On March 9th, the United States provided a $500 million grant to the Green Climate Fund to combat global-warming. And today, 6 days after the check cleared, on the fourth day of Spring, Mark Leberfinger, Staff Writer reports: "Blizzard conditions will continue to bring significant travel problems to the north-central United States through Thursday.
"Snow will continue to fall in the cities of Rochester, Minnesota; Green Bay, Wisconsin; and Traverse City, Michigan, through Thursday. Over a foot of snow can fall in these locations.
"Snowfall rates may reach 1 or even 2 inches per hour," AccuWeather Meteorologist Brett Rathbun said. "Gusty winds will lead to blowing and drifting snow and will greatly reduce travel at times."
But, what's another half billion wasted to a nation already $19 trillion in debt?
On March 9th, the United States provided a $500 million grant to the Green Climate Fund to combat global-warming. And today, 6 days after the check cleared, on the fourth day of Spring, Mark Leberfinger, Staff Writer reports: "Blizzard conditions will continue to bring significant travel problems to the north-central United States through Thursday.
"Snow will continue to fall in the cities of Rochester, Minnesota; Green Bay, Wisconsin; and Traverse City, Michigan, through Thursday. Over a foot of snow can fall in these locations.
"Snowfall rates may reach 1 or even 2 inches per hour," AccuWeather Meteorologist Brett Rathbun said. "Gusty winds will lead to blowing and drifting snow and will greatly reduce travel at times."
But, what's another half billion wasted to a nation already $19 trillion in debt?
And now, today’s Ronald Regan quote, sent by a friend: “'I have wondered at
times about what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run
them through the U.S. Congress.”
Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife:
Still eight months to go until election day, and familiarity seems to be
building contempt, whereas: “A new Fox News national poll finds both John Kasich
and Ted Cruz ahead of Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton in hypothetical
matchups, while Donald Trump trails her.
“Kasich does best against Clinton. He has a double-digit advantage and also
comes in above the 50 percent mark: 51 percent to Clinton’s 40 percent.
Even Cruz is now preferred over her, although only by three percentage points
(47-44 percent).
Bill’s wife still tops Trump by 11 points (49-38 percent), but soon Cruz may
top him as well, if things keep trending as they currently are.
Along the same lines, Ed Mazza, writes: “Rudy
Giuliani amped up the rhetoric on Wednesday night, saying Hillary Clinton “could
be considered a founding member of ISIS.”
“Speaking on “The O’Reilly Factor,” the former New York City mayor claimed
Clinton bears responsibility for creating the terrorist organization, which
controls parts of Syria and Iraq, because she was secretary of state during
President Barack Obama’s first term.
“She helped create ISIS,” Giuliani said. “Hillary Clinton could be considered
a founding member of ISIS.”
When asked how, Giuliani replied: ““By being part of an administration that
withdrew from Iraq. By being part of an administration that let [former Prime
Minister Nouri al-] Maliki run Iraq into the ground, so you forced the Shiites
to make a choice. By not intervening in Syria at the proper time. By being part
of an administration that drew 12 lines in the sand and made a joke out of it.”
“O’Reilly pointed out that Clinton couldn’t force policy on President
Obama. Her only option, he said, would have been to resign.
“Yeah — which is what a patriot does,” Giuliani replied.”
So, water continues drip, drip, dripping on some very big rocks in Bill’s
wife’s path toward the White House. And those very real rocks have significant
substance. Because they aren’t simply political barbs and rhetoric, but instead
are well-documented occurrences. Which means that sooner or later, they’ll become
known to a presently uninterested voting public. Which may be why the polls are
now beginning to turn positive against her in two out of three of the Republican presidential
candidates favor.
Raising the ongoing question once again: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry
Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading
That’s it for today folks.
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