Looks like another of the POTUS’s examples of world leadership got off to a
rocky start. Despite newyork.cbslocal.com, calling his Cuban visit a
“whirlwind trip” and “crowning moment” in his and Cuban President Raul Castro’s
"ambitious effort to restore normal relations between their countries."
However, after all the fanfare and anticipation, there seemed to be a glitch in the
proceedings. Because on a rainy Havana afternoon, when Obama and his family
stepped off of Air Force One, they were greeted by top Cuban officials — but not
Raul Castro.”
Although the “Cuban leader frequently greets major world figures upon their
arrival at Jose Marti International Airport, [he] was absent on the tarmac.
Instead, he planned to greet Obama on Monday at the Palace of the Revolution.”
So, maybe President Castro’s familiar with the way Obama treated Benjamin
Netanyahu, snubbing the Israeli Prime Minister on frequent visits to the White House. And as a
result, perhaps Castro thinks that demeaning world leaders is a tribute and sign
of respect in the current administration's perception of fostering international
On another recurring subject, Erin Durkin @nydailynews.com wrote
yesterday that: “Leonardo DiCaprio said China — the world’s biggest emitter of
greenhouse gases — could end up being the “hero of the environmental movement”
for its work to combat climate change.”
DiCaprio, exhorted the world to fight climate change during his Oscar
acceptance speech for Best Actor, praising China’s record during a trip to
Beijing on Sunday to promote his movie “The Revenant.” Saying, “As we all know,
the United States and China are the two biggest contributors, and I think that
China has made radical movements forward as far as alternative energy and ways
to be sustainable.”
He concluded: “I really think that China can be the hero of the environmental
movement, they can be the hero of the climate change movement.”
In this case, the actor could have saved himself considerable travel time, if
he truly wanted to find an example of an area apparently doing extremely well in
fighting global-warming. He could have simply traveled to Boston, Providence,
Rhode Island, or the coast of New England.
This morning, Terry Eliasen, Meteorologist, and WBZ-TV Exec. Weather
Producer informed the station’s website readers that: “I understand this may come as
bad news to many who were hoping for the out-to sea solution. Bottom line, it’s
coming. It won’t be a blockbuster storm, but it will be a solid thump of heavy,
wet, plowable snow for most of Southern New England.”
According to the forecast, accumulations will be: “2-4″ Worcester to Lowell
to Nashua, N.H. to Lawrence, and points east to I-95, right up to Boston (the
entire 128 and 495 belt north and west of Boston).
“4-8″ A line from Boston to Providence and all points south and east down to
the Cape. Boston likely will end up very close to 4″.
“Also 2-4″ on the Outer Cape and Islands, where the consistency will be much
“More than 8″? While not all that likely, a few spot 9 or 10″ amounts may
occur somewhere in extreme southeastern Mass., in the Plymouth-Bourne-New
Bedford area.”
Now, New England certainly isn’t Beijing, nor located 10,820 miles away from
Boston’s Logan airport. But, there may be a valid similarity between the two
locations. Since New England has plenty of Chinese restaurants and
laundry's, perhaps they’re the answer to global-warming prevention and bring on
cooling springtime blizzards.

Here’s today’s quote from Ronald Reagan, sent by a Facebook friend:
“The most terrifying words In the English language are: I'm from the government
and I'm here to help.”
Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
In an article by Michael Goodwin @nypost.com, as a long-time registered
Democrat he explains why he very well might vote for Trump. And in his
column provides a view from an extremely knowledgeable Democrats perspective, of
what both Obama and the Clinton’s have done to his party.
Mr. Goodwin begins: “My friends are worried about me. They insist something
is not right and suggest prayer, counseling, even rehab. “Take a break,” they
urge. “Get away for a few days and clear your head.”
“They are wise and kind, and it would be foolish to dismiss their concerns.
Truth be told, there are moments when I doubt myself. Am I making a huge
mistake? Am I losing my mind?
“Perhaps I am. My friends say that’s the only possible explanation for the
fact that I might support Donald Trump for president.”
Then, mentioning many of those in the very large field of Republican
candidates at the start of the campaign, Mr. Goodwin goes on: “I like those
Republicans even though I’m a registered Democrat, just not that kind of
Democrat. I voted for President Obama in 2008, believing he meant it when he
said no red states, no blue states, only the United States. The barrier he broke
added to his appeal.
“Six months later, I was off the bus. It was already clear Obama had no
intention of building a consensus on anything, although few realized he would be
such a radical and partisan polarizer. He may love America, but doesn’t seem to
like actual Americans. Other than himself, of course.”
And then, Mr. Goodwin relates one of the clearest, concise condemnations
extant of both Clinton’s, what’s been done to his party by Obama, and
specifically the perils of electing Bill’s wife, as follows:
“With the world on fire thanks to his abdication of global leadership, and
with the home front nervous and angry, the 2016 race couldn’t come soon enough.
I hoped a Democrat would emerge who realized that Obama had set us on a course
that was dangerous and unsustainable, with our national debt exceeding $18
“Clearly, neither Bernie Sanders nor Hillary Clinton is that Dem, though I’ll
vote for Sanders in the New York primary just to send her a message.”
“Following Obama, Clinton’s election would be a calamity. She would be
beholden to him, and unable to shift much from his disastrous policies. And who
knows what she really believes?”
And here’s his precisely accurate answer to his own question: “Besides, if
the Clintons are rewarded with the White House again, it would be impossible to
demand honesty from any public official in America. She’s thoroughly corrupt
and, in the memorable words of the late William Safire, a “congenital liar.”
Voting for her is a give up on the future.”
Which appropriately brings up the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor
Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you
guys reading this?
That’s it for today folks.
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