Researching commentary every day makes one more aware than most of what people say and do. Especially those in the public eye, and above all, the POTUS. Which is why a comment the president recently made jumped off the page as beyond incredible.
Ben Shapiro, writes that the president allegedly told David Axelrod, “You know, I think I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office. For people to say that I am anti-Israel, or, even worse, anti-Semitic, it hurts.”
This is the same guy who sat in Reverend Wright’s Chicago church for all those years, listening to anti-Jewish rhetoric, including plans for the “March to Jerusalem,” a massive campaign designed to send anti-Israel partisans across Israel’s borders and into Jerusalem.
Mr. Shapiro opined that, “In actuality, Obama is about as Jewish as George Wallace was black.”
And then, Mr. Shapiro went on, “On the same day that President Obama’s former top advisor announced that Obama’s rabbinic degree could be expected in the mail any moment, he threatened Israel with abandonment at the United Nations. Obama then said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s realistic assessment of the status of negotiations – Netanyahu said there could be no deal to create a Palestinian state with the current leadership of the Palestinian Arabs – created a threat to the “credibility” of Israel.
Obama said that Netanyahu’s position, which is that Israel’s enemies ought to be forced to acknowledge its existence and disown terrorism prior to negotiations, “has so many caveats, so many conditions that it is not realistic to think that those conditions would be met at any time in the near future. So the danger is that Israel as a whole loses credibility. Already, the international community does not believe that Israel is serious about a two-state solution.”
Therefore, Mr. Shapiro concludes, “Obviously, Israel will only be credible when it accepts an Iranian nuclear threat, as well as a terrorist Palestinian state on its borders.”
Which is pretty much what the POTUS presently seems to desperately want, and is clearly confirmed by his actions, not his words.
A similar article appeared, where EDDGGY1776 commented about POTUS: “Actually, he is the closest thing to Karl Marx that Americans have ever seen.
TheTruthAsIKnwIt replied appropriately: “In terms of Marx's, I'd say he's closer to Harpo.”
Another comment, on another issue came from’s senior Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano, who said, “The Patriot Act and the Freedom Act do away the probable cause requirements of the Constitution. And the data collection the laws authorize is too unwieldy to keep us safe. “The government’s job is to keep us free and safe. If it keeps us safe but not free, it has failed to do its job. Today it does neither.”
This one’s worth mention because it raises some quite interesting questions. For instance, how does a former judge sitting in a TV studio know precisely what the government does with information it collects regarding terrorism? How does he know how that information gets distributed to law enforcement, where and when? What every day citizens freedoms have been infringed upon lately? And, exactly why hasn’t there been another terrorist attack since 9/11?
Perhaps this guy and Rand Paul can get together and start their own political party. They can call it “Head in the Sand Advocates.” Or maybe keep their mutual heads up a particular body aperture, where they seem to presently be.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife. This one illustrating significant job performance errors, for a change, instead of kickbacks to the Clinton Foundation slush-fund.

That's it for today folks.
Bret Baier reports on, that “The UN has announced the official Libyan Government is heading towards bankruptcy. As a result civil servants, over 50% of the country’s employed workforce, have not been paid for 2 months. If police and military services start to strike, this will only increase the chaos engulfing the country and allow ISIL to make further progress.”
“A bleak update. In addition, ISIS is believed to have consolidated positions in the country and the terrorist Army we’ve seen roll through Iraq, is believed to be heading West to the Libyan port of Misrata. There are questions about the control of the Libya’s oil and gas sector while various factions inside the country are trying to fend off ISIS.”
Mr Baier concludes, “Clearly, this is one of many issues on the foreign policy front that will come up in the 2016 race with Secretary Hillary Clinton’s unique role in setting the U.S.-Libya policy.”
Which means that all those paying for preferential treatment, in the event that Bill Clinton’s wife wins the presidency, have no guarantee that they’ll get their money’s worth. Because, apparently, unlike extortion, job capability isn’t one of her talents.
And in closing, a FB friend posted the following this morning.

That's it for today folks.
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