Major events occurring throughout the world today. Supreme Court rulings, Iranian nuclear deal nearing its deadline, while gay marriage becomes legal across the nation.
The 6-3 SCOTUS decision to uphold the Obamacare authorization of federal tax credits for eligible Americans in the 34 states with federal exchanges, had Rush quite upset yesterday.
He said, “There's no way to spin this Obamacare ruling, folks. It's just a disaster. I think many of us are witnessing now the complete corruption of Washington, DC, meaning the objective has been to corrupt the government -- and success appears to be, at this moment in time, in hand.”
Although Rush's been extremely disappointed with the Republican control of Congress, because he feels they haven’t accomplished much to date, in this case he’s almost surely overreacted.
The fact of the matter is, congressional Republicans have no viable alternative to the tax credit relief benefit. And therefore, the ruling gives them time to create one. Which means that, when all the smoke clears, Rush and other loudly upset conservatives will realize that Chief Justice, John Roberts and Judge Anthony Kennedy likely did them a favor. And perhaps, being Republicans themselves, may have done it for that very purpose.
At the same time, the clock’s winding down on the Iranian nuclear deal. However, the Ayatollah’s getting louder in demands that directly conflict with the POTUS plan for the agreement.
Ali Akbar Dareini of Associated Press via Drudge writes that, “Speaking Tuesday night in comments broadcast on Iranian state TV, Khamenei said demands that Iran halt the research and development portion of its nuclear program constitute "excessive coercion."
"We don't accept a 10-year restriction. We have told the negotiating team how many specific years of restrictions are acceptable," Khamenei said. "Research and development must continue during the years of restrictions."
"Lifting sanctions can't depend on implementation of Iran's obligations," he said.
“Khamenei also said he rejects any inspection of military sites or allowing Iranian scientists to be interviewed. Iran's nuclear scientists have been the target of attacks. And that, “The Americans' "goal is to uproot and destroy the country's nuclear industry. They want to keep up the pressure and are not after a complete lifting of sanctions."
When made aware of Khamenei’s statements, “U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday the negotiations would not be affected by the Iranian leader's remarks.
"This is something that's been going on throughout the negotiations," Kerry said. "It is not new. We are not going to be guided by or conditioned by or affected or deterred by some tweet that is for public consumption or domestic political consumption."
Reading what Kerry had to say, brought back thoughts of studying high school history. Particularly Neville Chamberlain, who became Britain's prime minister in 1937. In his case, rather than challenging acts of aggression by Nazi Germany, he sought ways to pacify Adolf Hitler, signing the Munich Pact in 1938, which gave parts of Czechoslovakia to Germany.
Due to Chamberlain’s apparent underestimation of Hitler's ambitions, in March 1939 Hitler violated the Munich Pact by invading Czechoslovakia. Later that month, Britain and France agreed to protect Poland. And then, after Hitler's forces entered Poland that September, Chamberlain officially declared war on Germany; shortly after the invasion.”
Thus, it seems that whereas Kerry’s squarely aligned with the POTUS regarding the senseless Iranian nuclear, both are absolutely dedicated to proving that its true that history always does repeat itself.
And then, on the same day, David Martosko, US Political Editor For, writes that, “The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in a 5-4 decision that gay marriage is the law of the land.”
Reader OO-OO, posted the perfect comment regarding this compete waste of time: “Good decision, can we move on now? Far too much energy being spent on rights of this minimal populace.”
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
According to, “The State Department cannot find in its records all or part of 15 work-related emails from Hillary Rodham Clinton's private server that were released this week by a House panel investigating the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, officials said Thursday.”
The emails predate Benghazi, “but consist of more in a series of would-be intelligence reports passed to her by longtime political confidant Sidney Blumenthal, the officials said.”
In this case, the situation itself certainly doesn’t sound very important at all, and not worth repeating, However, a seemingly trivial erasure of an 18 1/2 minute Nixon-Haldeman taped conversation of June 20, 1972, led to Watergate. And then, Nixon’s eventual resignation of the presidency.
In the scheme of things, though, it may turn out that while years of questionable behavior in office may pose problems for Bill’s wife’s, basic policy may be the factor that increasingly threatens her presidential candidacy. reports that: “Clinton leads Sanders, 43 to 35 percent, in a new WMUR/CNN Granite State Poll, which was conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center from June 18 to 24. The poll included 360 likely 2016 Democratic primary voters and has a margin of error of 5.2 percent, meaning Sanders is close to being in a statistical dead heat with the frontrunner.”
Which leads to the daily question: Mayor Bloomberg, are you reading this?
In closing: a friend on FB posted this:
That’s it for today folks. Adios

That’s it for today folks. Adios
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