A slow news day today provides some time to expand on yesterdays blog. Particularly regarding the apparent lack of knowledge among many liberals on numerous issues they feel strongly about. Especially, the economy, employment and certainly, business management and performance in general.
For example, where the point comes through clearly is often found in reader's commentary in the New York Times. Predominantly because that audience is generally more well-versed, educated, literate and erudite than most. And, as far as their commentary regarding the economy’s concerned, the readership base seems to fall into two major categories. Those in the every-day employed ranks and those having amassed some degree of wealth via endeavor, inheritance or otherwise.
For those among the presently “employed,” thoughts appear to stem from the position that work is a necessary evil, to be tolerated only because the rewards are needed for basic survival and whatever other amenities might be affordable. Therefore, it’s government's job to see to as many of life’s demands as possible. Such as, health care for those who require it, higher wages for unskilled labor, free education, welfare, unemployment benefits, tax abatement, food stamps and housing assistance.
On the other end of the spectrum, well-heeled liberals promote the same ideology, urging government to maintain, or increase, its support of those they feel require it. Economic support is viewed as so necessary a government function, that many of those at the top having high public profiles use their status to clamor incessantly that more be done in that regard.
Both groups outlined above, generally push their agendas often, loudly, without equivocation and in virtually any forum in which they can appear. What’s more, a continual effort's made to increase awareness of liberalism and grow their ranks, attempting to attract and all who’ll join them.
Republicans, on the other hand, believe primarily the exact reverse. For them, hard work, self-improvement, individualism, lofty personal goals and self-actualization are the ideal. Along with a minimization of government, reduced to only necessities such as the military and public safety, if possible.
Furthermore, Republicans do almost nothing to increase their ranks whatsoever. For them, achieving Americans almost always decide to join the political effort on their own. And most often, it’s because those are the one’s who took advantage of what the nation has to offer to those who strive for accomplishment. Including the right to make anything of yourself that’s achievable, without governmental interference, so long as the goals are within the law.
Thus the point for today concerns what's most remarkable about the US. Because, despite continual efforts of liberals, and the current administration in particular, to curb, inhibit, limit and suppress economic freedom and American ingenuity, 40% of voters are Republicans, the same as the total for Democrats.
Which means that almost half the nation is still comprised of free-thinking, individualistic achievers, desiring primarily to remain self-sufficient, despite the continual attempts from the left to curtail them. And that’s something the Founding Fathers would be quite pleased about, since that’s why they came here to begin with.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
The Washington Free Beacon Staff @freebeacon.com/politics headlined an article today, “Painful: Clinton Flack Struggles to Explain How 2016 Campaign Strategy Differs From Failed 2007 One.”
According to the story, “Hillary Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri gave a painfully convoluted response Friday to a question about repeating the campaign approach of reintroducing Clinton again Saturday with a speech focusing on her roots.
“Reporter Annie Karni pointed out this seemed very familiar from 2007 during a question-and-answer session sponsored by Politico in New York, asking that if the approach of Clinton “reintroducing herself to the country” didn’t work last time, why would it work this time.”
And the reply to Ms Karni's question didn’t come from Ms Palmieri, who didn’t have one. However, the actual answer is that it won’t.
Mayor Bloomberg, are you reading this?
In closing, a friend posted this on FB.

That’s it for today folks.

That’s it for today folks.
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