Saturday, June 27, 2015


Many storys in the news concern the aftermath of the SCOTUS ruling in favor of gay marriage.
In that regard, Chris Stirewalt once again encapsulated the issue for Republican’s in his Friday column. His thoughts also echoed conclusions reached here, as to how the recent SCOTUS decisions not only don’t harm Conservative's, they actually help them.
Mr. Stirewalt writes, “Had the court rejected the case and restored same-sex marriage bans struck down by lower courts, the Republican 2016 field would have been in a quandary. With a socially conservative base but a general electorate that has shifted dramatically on the subject in the past decade, GOP contenders would have been obliged to take positions on 31 state bans that were resurrected by the court.”
Furthermore, “The list would have included swing states Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina and Florida and each candidate would have had to take a position on the subject. No good answers – either flip-flop or be called an extremist.”
In summation, Mr. Stirewalt rightly concludes that, despite the disappointment and objection’s among both conservatives and libertarians, “there is enormous relief among GOP strategists that this issue is mostly off the table for 2016.”
In regard to Bill Clinton’s wife, Mr. Stirewalt opined, “No matter who the Republicans nominate, Hillary Clinton will declare them to be extremists on the subject of gay marriage. But as of today, the Supreme Court has declared the issue moot.
“What was left unsaid, of course, was that [Obama] and Clinton are among those who used to run against same-sex marriage but have since changed their tune. … In fact, they jumped on-board well after gay marriage attained overwhelming majority support among Democrats. Obama came out in support of same-sex marriage in 2012, and Clinton in 2013, half a decade after a majority of Democrats already supported it in public polling.”
While the POTUS has taken the SCOTUS rulings as significant wins for himself, and of course, his party, his self-congratulatory chest-thumping is apparently only pleasing to his already ardent supporters. As for the rest, the majority of the voting public still dislikes his health care tax.
The recent average of all major polls shows that from 5/19/15 – 6/14/5, 43.6% favor the tax, while 51.4% oppose it. A negative difference of 7.8%
As to be expected, Charles Krauthammer had something to say on the gay marriage decision, comparing it to “the invention of the right to abortion.”
A Krauthammer reader, acrscout, commented “And isn't it curious how many of those college students who spit on soldiers and called them "Baby Killer", when they came home from Vietnam, now endorse Abortion on demand? 
“Apparently to the liberals, children dying under aerial bombing is a crime, but kids dying under the scalpel is a "choice", and a legitimate choice at that.
“So why do we continue listening to ANYTHING liberals have to say?”
Therefore, leaving the politics out of it completely, one has to conclude that a significant portion of the public doesn’t think at all. Or, is otherwise completely unable to use whatever limited intellect they may possess before expressing opinions that make not a scintilla of sense.
Which brings us to today’s updates on Bill Clinton’s wife.
The first is from Daniel Halper’s, the blog,, as follows: As a senator from New York, Hillary Clinton was staunchly opposed to recognizing same-sex marriage. She expressed that sentiment clearly in this 2002 interview with TV host Chris Matthews
"Let me ask you this about some domestic issues in New York State. This state is always the sort of the social beginnings of so much in this country," liberal host Matthews started. "People come here, a lot of immigrants. The New York Times recently began posting the celebrations of gay unions. Not just straight people getting married, but gay people who want to announce their unions. Do you think New York State should recognize gay marriage?"
Clinton delivered a one-word response: "No."
Next, comes another item from Chris Stirewalt yesterday, reporting that, “A crack has emerged between Hillary Clinton and her former team at the State Department. Her process for culling the emails was demonstrably flawed and now further open to charges of wrongdoing. The choice to destroy 31,000 emails looks increasingly suspect. The campaign may hang Blumenthal out to dry on this, but this becomes a stickier web all the time. Prosecutors know the way to win is to divide the suspects, and that may be what congressional investigators are doing.”
In this case, while taking considerable flak from Democrat’s, it may very well turn out that Darryl Issa’s pursuit regarding the State Department under Bill Clinton’s wife’s watch was justified. Because now, in his place, Trey Gowdy’s apparently making real progress in proving some level of wrongdoing.  
Yet, the past coming back to haunt Bill’s wife may only be one aspect of her problems, whereas, it seems there are plenty of Democrats who don’t care for her presently either.
Hunter Walker, wrote about a dinner taking place in the 10,000-seat Patriot Center at George Mason University, which Virginia Democratic Party Communications Director, Stephen Carter, said sold "over 2,000 tickets and raised over $1 million." 
Which means that, 8000 seats are still available, and is probably why the sponsors are “currently giving away free tickets to an event featuring Hillary Clinton on Friday night.”
“Clinton is headlining the party's annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner on Friday evening. Though the event is raising money for the Virginia Democrats rather than her presidential bid, it is considered an important campaign appearance for Clinton.” 
While tickets for the event are being sold for $30 and $125, on Friday afternoon, some Virginia Democrats received an email advertising "FREE TICKETS" to the dinner. “The email was given to Business Insider by a source. It contained a promotional code to get $30 tickets to the event for free.”
As a representation of reader comments, many exhibiting distaste for vacillation and hypocrisy, Obamaroid_Ointment wrote: “Jefferson-Jackson Day, Virginia Democrats have an annual event honoring a slave owner & a Confederate Army general. Who knew?”
All of which means the following question is gaining importance: Mayor Bloomberg, are you reading this?
That's it for today folks.

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