Thursday, June 25, 2015


Several items today, major and minor. All reflecting considerable political rift’s across the nation.
Kevin Liptak, CNN White House Producer writes that, “As Obama was speaking at a White House event honoring LGBT Pride Month on Wednesday, an accented voice rang out from the crowd. Obama wasn't amused.”
A heckler was protesting deportations under the Obama administration, to whom the POTUS responded, "Shame on you. Listen you're in my house ... it's not respectful."
When the interruption persisted, Obama asked for the heckler to be removed from the East Room.
The president’s comment isn’t quite true though. Because, as he well knows, the house he’s living in isn’t his. It belongs to the American people. What’s more, in a year and a half, or less, he’s going to be evicted.
On another issue, Democrats whine, moan and complain that Congressional Republicans keep pursuing many lingering disputes without genuine cause. Yet, much of the reason for prolonged investigations stem from the purposeful withholding of pertinent information by those involved in wrongdoing. reports today that, “The lead government watchdog for the IRS revealed Thursday that computer evidence was erased during the investigation into the agency's targeting scandal, months after the IRS was told to preserve documents.
“J. Russell George, the Treasury inspector general for tax administration, testified to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that IRS employees erased computer backup tapes shortly after officials discovered thousands of emails related to the tax agency's Tea Party scandal had been lost.” 
While as many as 24,000 emails were lost because 422 backup tapes were "magnetically erased" around March 4, 2014, George said those tapes "likely contained" 2010 and 2011 emails to and from former IRS official Lois Lerner, who has emerged as a central figure in congressional investigations. He said they will "most likely never be recovered." 
In this case, only time will eventually tell as to whether or not corroborating evidence will surface to prove the Republican’s suspicions regarding deliberate Democrat efforts to stem growth of political opposition. Nonetheless, the most important revelation from the email erasure is that the Republicans have been justified in their investigation from the very beginning.     
Then today, the Supreme Court upheld ObamaCare subsidies in states that did not set up their own health care exchanges. The decision was 6-3. 
However, as explained yesterday in Chris Stirewalt’s column, the ruling more than likely helped the GOP. Because, if they were found illegal, “GOP congressional leaders are likely to push legislation that maintains subsidies long enough for affected to Americans to transition to a new system.”  
In Mr. Stirewalt’s probably correct analysis, “Voting on such proposals could be politically tricky for the senators running for president, including [Marco Rubio,] Ted Cruz of Texas, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Rand Paul of Kentucky…. The governors expected to run, including New Jersey's Chris Christie, Ohio's John Kasich and Wisconsin’s Scott Walker could get tripped up by constituents who look to them to create a state exchange in the absence of their ability to access subsidies through This would be political kryptonite in a Republican presidential primary.”
What still is most remarkable about all the attention the  president’s health care tax keeps receiving is that nationally, only 10.2 million people have signed up in total under the program. That includes 8.7 million people receiving an average subsidy of $272 a month to help pay their insurance premiums.
Furthermore, of those receiving subsidies, 6.4 million people were at risk of losing that aid because they live in states that did not set up their own health insurance exchanges. Which means that all the noise, arguments and endless discussion regards only 2% of the US population, while the other 98% aren’t effected, program-wise, whatsoever. Except for the employed half of the public having to pay for it all. 
Then, moving on, there were a few pithy points from Rush’s website yesterday, such as: “We are giving the Iranians nuclear technology. We are going to enable the Iranians to ramp up their entire nuclear apparatus and eventually to include weapons. But in the United States, the objective is to get guns out of the hands of the NRA, which Obama and his buds consider to be conservatives.”
As preposterous as the preceding circumstance is, the next one is completely ridiculous as well. 
This observation from Rush, regarding a Georgetown law professor, has to be read carefully. Because its impact is profound while the premise is inflammatory as far as equalizing race relationships is concerned.
Rush said, “This guy is all upset because the phrase, "Black lives matter" came along and then somebody said no, it's, "All lives matter" and this professor Paul Butler said, no, no, no, no, that's racial subordination. You're subordinating black lives to secondary status again. It's, "Black lives matter," and you can't change that to, "All lives matter" because if you do you're just again saying that black lives don't matter as much. Professor, criminal law, race relations,Georgetown. And you are paying this institution 20, 30 grand a year to have your kids learn this type of drivel.”
And then, Rush’s delivered a long thesis on the current disputes regarding the Confederate flag, which also includes today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Because, Democrats are now loudly chastising Republican’s about racial discrimination, demanding that all symbolism of the Confederacy, including the flag of course, be banned from any kind of public view.
Yet, while the Clinton’s proudly embraced the flag in the 90’s, their identification with the Confederacy in Arkansas is now completely ignored by the mainstream media. Leading to the continuing question: Mayor Bloomberg, are you reading this?
That’s it for today folks.

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