Sunday, June 30, 2013

BloggeRhythms 6/30/2013

According to Wikiquote, the famous line, “insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results” has been variously attributed to Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Rita Mae Brown, and an old Chinese proverb.
It really doesn't matter to me who actually coined the phrase, though, I’m only interested in the point it makes, and today, particularly Charles Schumer. Because it never ceases to amaze me that he, and “insane”others like him, either don’t care about repeating horrendous mistakes or are simply too dense to grasp what they’re doing.
Fox News on-line this morning reported that, “In a bold prediction that immediately agitated Republicans, Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer, claimed Sunday that the House ultimately will pass the Senate's comprehensive immigration bill -- despite House Speaker John Boehner's claims to the contrary.”
Fox further says that Schumer “needled” the speaker during an interview on Fox News Sunday, claiming that Boehner will be pressured by the "dynamics" of the debate, saying “I believe that by the end of this year, the House will pass the Senate bill."
On the same show, South Carolina Republican Representative, Trey Gowdy, rejected Schumer's legislative prediction, stating, "The Senate bill is not going to pass in the House. It's not going to pass for myriad reasons."
I bring Schumer up because after forcing the disastrous, economy-busting health care tax on the nation, you’d think Democrats would learn from their horrendous errors and tread more carefully in the future. However, what you get is the complete and utter reverse.
As I noted yesterday, and repeated this morning by Representative Gowdy, “the Senate promises that their bill would offer legalization to illegal immigrants in the near-term while eventually building border security and immigration enforcement for employers.” 
Now, anyone with an iota of intellect knows from experience that once legalization of immigrants takes place, that’s all that matters to Dems. And whether or not  the border ever gets sealed is of no consequence to them whatsoever. Which is why Speaker Boehner has to make sure the Dem bill gets trashed and  properly rewritten.
But, in the end, today’s comments by Schumer should make Republicans feel quite secure in their position on the subject. Because as far as the senator goes, he’s never been correct about anything in his entire, vacuous life.
That's it for today folks

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