Friday, June 28, 2013

BloggeRhythms 6/28/2013

I just looked up Congress’s approval rating. According to, David Grant, a staff writer for The Christian Science Monitor it “has tanked to a historic low of 10 percent, according to a Gallup poll released Friday.” 
I was curious about the rating because, although the Senate’s loudly congratulating itself on passage of the new immigration law, I thought it extremely unjust and totally insulting to all those who’ve come here legally. Further believing that the law was based on political pandering, would do little to stem illegal entry, and worse, offers potential citizenship to lawbreakers deserving nothing more than jail terms or immediate deportation.
Fully realizing that Congress-folks tend to ignore truth's and reality, preferring to stroke each other’s backs while cloistered in D.C., I looked up Maricopa County Arizona’s Sheriff, Joe Arpaio to see what he had to say on the issue.
Appearing on Fox News on Monday, talking with Stuart Varney, he “scoffed at lawmakers’ attempts at showing that the border could be secured, saying that it would never happen - at least not without enforcing some immigration laws.”
The sheriff explained that “[Undocumented immigrants] are very, very innovative. You’ll never secure the border. To say you’re not going to enforce the illegal immigration laws in the interior and blame it on the border, that’s just a copout.”
He then suggested that if the nation’s leaders were really serious about securing the border, working with Mexico would be the best bet, and to, “Use the Mexican army, the federal police, work together and get it done. We should send the border patrol or some military over there to help the President of Mexico to work together and get the job done, if you’re really serious about it.”
And that’s why, we’ll all be better off if the House really does as promised and rejects the sham legislation, then puts something together with some teeth in it that finally addresses the problem correctly. 
Along similar lines of political double-talk, smoke-screens and falsehoods, an article on, exposes Dem attempts to fabricate misleading stories regarding how the IRS was used as a political weapon against Tea Party groups. 
In order to clarify his position, and be certain his words could not be used to distort facts, Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, J. Russell George, said this week “that while some liberal groups were given extra scrutiny by the tax agency, they were not subjected to the same invasive queries as tea party groups — a finding that seems to confirm a political bias was at play.”
He sent a letter late Wednesday, released Thursday, saying that just 30 percent of groups with the word “progressive” in their name were put through special scrutiny for tax-exempt applications, but 100 percent of groups with “tea party,” “patriot” or “9/12” in their name were subjected to invasive questioning.
In response, Representative Sam Johnson, Texas Republican, said. “The bottom line is that the IRS has been used as a political weapon, and that’s just outrageous.”
Now, as for myself, I’ve been writing about these issues for many months now, and it seems that finally perhaps Republicans might be waking up. And, for them, I think it’s extremely important, likely vital, to expose every iota of what’s been done to them. Because, by misusing and abusing the powers of incumbency, government agencies such as the Justices Department, IRS, EPA, FBI and a host of others have been enjoined to purposefully stifle, defuse, defeat and deflect political adversaries…and that just happens to be illegal.
Therefore perhaps, if committees such as Darrell Issa’s United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, don’t quit and keep on digging for facts and hard information, it’s possible the incumbent’s entire reelection might be subject to review and question. 
And although what I’m suggesting might sound ridiculous to many, and totally irrational, go back and check many of my previous entry’s. Because there’s a considerable number of them written long ago, finally coming to light about charlatans like Slick Willy, Hillary, Reid, Pelosi and certainly the incumbent himself.
All of which means that, when facing phonies, frauds and incompetents, whatever you do…don’t give up because with continued hard work, sooner or later, the truth will finally come out. And, in that event, who knows what might happen? 
That’s it for today folks.

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