Friday, June 21, 2013

BloggeRhythms 6/21/2013

The way this administration works, a new scandal, deception, fraud or abuse of power occurs on every day that ends with a “y.” And since Thursdays meet the criteria, another fabrication was exposed today.
Fox News on-line published a story entitled: “Study: Gov’t losing billions on ‘inefficient’ tax subsidies that don’t curb climate change.” 
The article states that, “ As America's debt rises to unsustainable levels, the U.S. government is losing billions every year on energy tax subsidies that do little to combat climate change. That's according to a tough report released this week by the National Research Council. The non-partisan academic report, sponsored by the Treasury Department, concluded that current tax policies are a "poor tool" for addressing climate change -- and a costly one.”
The study found that, “energy subsidies in 2011 and 2012 cost $48 billion, with limited results. Very little if any GHG (greenhouse gas) reductions are achieved at substantial cost with these provisions," the report concluded.
But here’s the most important part: “The study did not look at all tax policies and their effect on emissions. But it looked at energy-sector provisions and said the most comprehensive study shows their "combined impact is less than 1 percent of total U.S. emissions."
Consequently, we’re all paying billions to foreigners for fuel, costing us jobs, strangling the economy and curbing economic growth because a handful of lobbying lunatics are more important to the incumbent than just about everyone else in the nation. So, perhaps that’s why he’d rather hang out in Europe and Africa, talking to himself, instead of facing the horrendous problems he’s created here. 
At the same time, also according to Fox, “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday it is dropping its longstanding plan to have independent scientists review its finding that hydraulic fracturing may be linked to groundwater pollution in central Wyoming.”
The EPA said, “We stand behind our work and the data, but recognize the state's commitment to further investigation. The EPA will let state officials carry on the investigation with the federal agency's support.”
As far as Wyoming officials are concerned, they’ve been skeptical about the theory that fracking played a role in the pollution at the location at all.
So, here we have another case where, obviously, the EPA has doubts about their prior decisions which they fear will backlash. If not, they certainly wouldn’t agree to permit others any chance to refute what they’ve adamantly claimed in the past. So here we have one more extremely expensive roadblock, purposely placed by the administration for no other reason than political pandering to obstructionists who have no valid case at all. 
And then finally for today, there’s the resurgence of focus on illegal immigration which is rapidly coming down to ideas and plans for strengthening border security. But, at the same time, there are several approaches being suggested for some sort of “amnesty” and path to citizenship for those already here. And, that’s the part that loses me.
As far as I can see, so long as the description for those aliens coming here outside the law includes the words “illegal,” I don’t understand why there’s any discussion about them at all. 
There’s been a process for foreigners coming here for many years and those who observe it are entitled to all that the law allows. But, any and all entering any other way, and permitted to stay, or worse, get a path to legality, not only makes all the rest  look like fools but also mocks any other kind of legislation as well. 
If people in this nation, illegal or not, can select which laws to abide and which to ignore…what does that say about the rest of our legislation? Can I go out tomorrow and rob a bank, ask for amnesty after I'm arrested and keep the money I heisted if I stay clean for the next thirteen years? And what if I want to jump the fence and put up a tent on the White House lawn, right near the rose garden so I can smell the flowers?
Or maybe I’ll just find Marco Rubio’s home, let myself in and spend some time in his den with the TV on. Since he says he’s on their side now and that illegals should be given a path to citizenship, I don’t see why he’d complain about somebody having no right to be there spending a few days, months or years on his couch simply because I decided to sneak in and stay there until my permanent residency in his bedroom was approved.
That’s it for today folks.

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