A couple of days ago, I mentioned comments by NBC’s Bob Costas about his wish for banning of all guns following the tragic shooting/suicide by pro football player, Jovan Belcher. I only did that because even though Costas’ subject wasn’t really sports, I still disagree with him entirely. So, this was just one more aspect of commentary wherein I believe he knows less than nothing.
However, as days have gone by, it seems I’m not the only person who thinks Costas is clueless, as evidenced by an article by David Leon Moore, of USA TODAY Sports, that I found just now on Drudge on-line.
The article’s full of data regarding how many pro athletes own weapons (likely more than 70%,) why they do, and points out that for the majority, self-protection is a critical concern. Consequently, they still have no intention of leaving themselves open to robbery, physical assault, bodily harm or kidnaping, despite their size and superb conditioning. Because if the bad guys are armed and they’re not, their size and prowess doesn’t mean a thing, they’re victims like everyone else.
I’ve included a link so you can read the story yourself: NFL players- Three out of four own guns!
But when I got to the part in the article about these athlete’s celebrity and how it draws potentially harmful people to them, it occurred to me that even though Costas is basically a boring, clueless, drub he still somehow or other draws audiences. So my next thought was that here’s a guy who couldn’t protect himself against Pee Wee Herman, if Herman got testy or wanted to clip a few bucks, which means that he probably has hired protection around him in public. And, if that's the case, no wonder he doesn't need a gun. Nonetheless though, he thinks everyone else should be open to whatever dangers might befall them.
Now, I don’t really know if that’s Costas' situation, but if he doesn't have protection it means that either he truly is a brain-dead boob, or that he perhaps has a death wish, or most likely, doesn’t draw crowds because other folks don’t want to meet him either, just like I don't.
That’s it for today folks.
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